Posted 26 октября 2020, 11:38

Published 26 октября 2020, 11:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Muscovites with fever won't be allowed on the subway

Muscovites with fever won't be allowed on the subway

26 октября 2020, 11:38
Thermal imagers have been installed in the Moscow metro and the MCD, which will measure the temperature of all passengers at the entrance and will not let those who have an elevated temperature into the Moscow subway.

"How it works? If, for example, a person entering the subway has a temperature of 37.5 ° C, the thermal imager will record this and beep. To make sure that the device is correct, a person is measured the temperature with an ordinary thermometer. If it turns out to be elevated, he will be advised to see a doctor, or they will call an ambulance”, - reads the message of the Moscow Department of Transport in Telegram.

Similar thermal imagers also appeared at bus stations and bus stations. They are installed at the entrance to the frames of the metal detectors.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin expressed concern about the increase in the number of cases in the capital. Nevertheless, the authorities have so far decided not to introduce new strict restrictions, as they were this spring. So far, the authorities are counting on the conscientiousness of citizens, and hope to limit themselves to targeted measures. At the same time, over the past day, a new record was set for the number of detected cases of the disease. In the country as a whole, the coronavirus was confirmed in 17.3 thousand people. In Moscow, over the past day, 5.2 thousand people have tested positive for coronavirus. For the sick in the capital, another three thousand beds were deployed , and a third of the workers were previously transferred to remote work without fail.
