Posted 27 октября 2020,, 13:11

Published 27 октября 2020,, 13:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Tikhanovskaya called the first day of the national strike in Belarus "just the beginning"

Tikhanovskaya called the first day of the national strike in Belarus "just the beginning"

27 октября 2020, 13:11
Former presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who had earlier announced an ultimatum to the current government, said that the nationwide strike that began yesterday is just the beginning.

Earlier, the leader of the Belarusian opposition threatened Lukashenko that if he does not voluntarily resign from power by October 25, then from Monday, October 26, a nationwide strike will begin in the country, which happened yesterday, when employees of Grodno Azot, the Minsk trucks, the Minsk Tractor Plant, as well as hundreds of private companies , which the leader of the Belarusian opposition also urged to join the rally.

“This strength of solidarity scared the regime. He uses repression again because he is not capable of anything else. They are trying to pressure you and fire you. They think they can get you back to work and live at your expense again. But today we have succeeded, because each of you showed heroism for the sake of a friend, colleague and fellow countryman. The workshops of the factories did not work so that a chain reaction of solidarity could work. It can no longer be blown up, stopped or killed. Today was an important day, and I believe that this was only the beginning", - Tikhanovskaya said in her video message following the first day of the nationwide strike.

About 240 protesters were detained at protests on Monday. Most of the detainees are workers who refused to take their shift. There are also minors and students among the detainees.

Protests in Belarus continue for the third month after the presidential elections on August 9. Residents of the country go to rallies and demand the resignation of the president. Political scientists have different assessments of the nationwide strike that Tikhanovskaya announced after the ultimatum: network analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan believes that Tikhanovskaya does not have the resources to implement her plans, political analyst Alexander Ivakhnik is confident that the strike will work.