Media manager Andrei Vasilenko very entertainingly told in his blog about how he got vaccinated against covid and what consequences it caused:
Yesterday I underwent a revaccination - they made the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine was given at 15 o'clock, and until the morning I felt good - no side reactions. But this morning "surprises" began: from 8 am the temperature suddenly began to rise and by 11 o'clock it was 40.2. And it was almost impossible to shoot her down. Paracetamol just flew away "nowhere". 40.2 - and that's it. The pulse is 140-160. The fever is strong, electric heating pads from the chills accompanying the fever do not help at all - it is extremely difficult to keep warm. He heated the air in the apartment to 30 degrees. It became easier - the chill "subsided" a little. I contacted the representatives of telemedicine and a group of supervising doctors - they called an ambulance. We didn't arrive very quickly - during this time I managed to give myself an injection of Ketonal (myself, of course), and the temperature began to slowly subside. By the time the ambulance arrived, it slept until 37.8. They conducted an examination, immediately offered hospitalization, and no one knows where. To my question: what will they help me with in the hospital, the answer followed - they will watch. So I myself can observe myself at home. Yes, and I definitely do not want to go to an infectious diseases hospital in such a state, because somewhere, and there the risk of infection is maximum.
The team contacted the senior doctor of the operational department, a certain Arkady Nikolayevich, who in a rather rude form asked the doctors what kind of vaccination, and when the doctor asked what diagnosis to make "post-vaccination reaction" (which is logical) or "ARVI", said the phrase that was needed carve on the mayor's office of Moscow: a la "think up and decide for yourself." I wanted to say: "let's write pregnancy, if we were allowed to fantasize?" The doctors left and said to wait for the second team in 2 hours, because if I suddenly die, I will spoil the statistics on the vaccine. In two hours, the temperature climbed up again - 39.2, again knocked down with a bunch of Paracetamol, Nimesil and a new portion of Ketonal. Dropped to 38.3.
With the second brigade, exactly the same story happened: again a call to Mr. Ch. And the answer about the diagnosis "your call, decide for yourself, and pass it to the clinic" followed by a phone call. All the doctors want the "ambulance" to be competent specialists and talked about the "post-vaccination reaction", which was practically forbidden to indicate as the main diagnosis. As a result, I was given an acute respiratory viral infection and transferred to the clinic, tomorrow a doctor should come to look for a coronavirus in me - take smears and, most likely, put me on self-isolation / quarantine, which I was warned about.
Therefore, Mr. Ch. Is my hero of the day. A real official. I would not even venture to ask him the question "are you definitely a doctor?", Because this is neither a doctor nor a leader. In principle, they would have made a good duet with another wonderful magician from medicine - Dr. Myasnikov: Myasnikov will talk about the Book of Fates, as he did on the air at Solovyov's, - “don't worry, as the Book of Fates says, it will be so, why nervous? ", and Ch. will say" come up with a diagnosis yourself. " Everything fits together - you can safely "come up with a diagnosis" according to the "Book of Fates". And then we wonder why the death rate from coronavirus is increasing with this attitude. Unfortunately, in Russia, there are not the two troubles that are constantly talked about - fools and roads - but completely different, and there are four of them - "officials, sycophants, ignoramuses and, of course, professional budget development specialists."
I have no complaints about the vaccine, all body reactions and side effects were expected, although they turned out to be somewhat excessive.
There are complaints only against medical officials and medical leaders who do not allow doctors of the same ambulance to do their job normally, and for whom statistics and bureaucracy are more important than human lives and helping people.
And I can exclusively thank and praise the ambulance doctors for their professionalism and honest performance of their professional duty in such difficult conditions (if I could, I would put a monument to them during my lifetime). At the same time, I want to immediately shield the medical staff from the teams that came to me from possible claims from their management - none of the doctors "leaked" the content of the conversations to me, I heard these conversations with my own ears, since doctors come with tablets on which they make calls , - naturally, this happens over a speakerphone, because they do not have headsets.