Posted 6 ноября 2020, 13:51
Published 6 ноября 2020, 13:51
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Network analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan noted a very remarkable fact in his blog, recalling that the former RF Deputy Minister Alan Lushnikov became the new owner of the Kalashnikov concern, acquiring 75% minus one share for one billion rubles.
“He probably put off his quarterly bonuses”, - the analyst remarks sarcastically, and adds an important detail. “By the way, I didn't know that Kalashnikov was worth such fabulous money. Half of the world runs around with its' guns - both native and licensed, a lot of other products are produced, and the price of the concern is just two Abrams tanks..."