Posted 6 ноября 2020, 13:03
Published 6 ноября 2020, 13:03
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36
Today, for world deposits, the price fluctuates between $ 8 and $ 38, that is, an average of about $ 23. At the same time, more than half of the uncommitted oil reserves, the production of which has not yet been invested, are located in three conditional zones. First, the Middle Eastern onshore fields (average comfortable price of $ 31. Second, deep-water, with a price of $ 43. And third, the North American hard-to-recover with a price of $ 44. The reserves on the continental shelf cost an average of $ 48 per barrel...
In Russia, the volume of not commissioned onshore fields is estimated at 20 billion barrels (approximately 2.7 billion tons), while in the Middle East - at 100 billion barrels. And the comfortable price of a Russian barrel is on average $ 53 per barrel.
That is, the conclusions are obvious: there is much less oil in our country than is stated in official reports, and its competitiveness is simply unconvincing even in comparison with deep-sea offshore projects and shale-bitumen of North America.
Therefore, in the middle of this century, Russia's competitors will occupy the leading positions in the oil market, especially since with a decrease in the consumption of hydrocarbons in the world, those for whom oil production is easy and cheap will come to the fore. And this is by no means Russia.
And therefore, the expert sums up, Russia will now drive as much and as quickly as possible the oil that can still be extracted, and does not care about investments for the long term, since this prospect does not exist.