Posted 12 ноября 2020, 07:12

Published 12 ноября 2020, 07:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Gintsburg: it is difficult to fight covid due to its localization

12 ноября 2020, 07:12
Now in Russia, many of its own local foci of coronavirus have appeared, therefore it is impossible to block the pathways of its transmission, as it was done at the first stage of the fight against imported infection.

It was told by Alexander Gintsburg, director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya.

- For our country, this infection began as imported, that is, the main source of infection were airports: Moscow, St. Petersburg and further down the list, - the academician recalled.

At the first stage, the scientist stressed, there were less than a dozen transport routes for the delivery and transmission of infection. Now there are hundreds of thousands of hearths.

Recall that earlier Gunzburg indicated that the publication of the interim results of the study of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine makes it possible to start mass vaccination in the coming weeks. He specified that to date, about four thousand people have already received the vaccine, and by the end of this year at least one and a half million Russians will be vaccinated.

Note that the Russian Direct Investment Fund previously promised to release 7-10 million doses of coronavirus vaccines in December, in the worst case - in January 2021.