Posted 16 ноября 2020,, 06:43

Published 16 ноября 2020,, 06:43

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Manned spacecraft Crew Dragon with American-Japanese crew was launched to ISS

16 ноября 2020, 06:43
The Falcon 9 launch vehicle with the crewed Crew Dragon spacecraft by SpaceX Elon Musk was launched from the Cape Canaveral cosmodrome in the US state of Florida.

This is reported by NASA. The spacecraft carries four astronauts who will be transported to the International Space Station. Among the crew members are Americans Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, Shannon Walker, as well as Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency cosmonaut Soichi Noguchi. They will stay on the ISS for six months.

The reusable first stage has already detached and landed on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean. The speed of the spacecraft is about 27 thousand kilometers per hour. He went into low-earth orbit.

The current US President Donald Trump commented on the rocket launch.

"Great launch! NASA was close to disaster when we tackled it. Now it is “hot” again, the most advanced space center in the world, far ahead of everyone!", - wrote Trump on his Twitter.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden wished the astronauts good luck and called the event "a testament to the power of science and what we can achieve through the use of innovation, ingenuity and determination".

This is the second manned flight of the Crew Dragon. The first flight took place on May 30, 2020.

Let us recall that the launch of the rocket was scheduled for November 14, but was postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Meanwhile, Roscosmos has its own achievements and reasons for pride. For example, the state corporation decided to make a brand out of the legendary phrase of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Now clothes, shoes and vodka with the name "Poyekhali!" (“Let's go!”) may appear on sale. As for the general director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin, he recently forced the public to talk about himself once again - when his songs were published on the official website of the state corporation, one of which is called "We are tearing the sky to shreds"...

At the same time, Rogozin does not abandon his dream of catching up with the American businessman Elon Musk. For this, the head of a Russian state corporation demands even more money from the state. For example, in early November, Roscosmos asked the government for one and a half trillion rubles to create a multifunctional satellite system Sphere, which, according to the company, should compete with Musk's Starlink system. Note that this amount exceeds the cost of the entire federal space program of Russia for the period from 2016 to 2025.