Posted 19 ноября 2020, 15:54

Published 19 ноября 2020, 15:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Accounts Chamber: unfinished construction projects cost the budget five trillion rubles

Accounts Chamber: unfinished construction projects cost the budget five trillion rubles

19 ноября 2020, 15:54
Фото: Медиахолдинг 1Mi
As of January 1, 2020, 5.094 trillion rubles were spent from the federal and regional budgets on construction projects that never ended. All in all, 74.6 thousand objects are listed as "unfinished construction" throughout Russia, says the report of the Accounts Chamber.

As notes , capital construction programs at the expense of budgetary funds have turned into a "black hole" that only breeds "ghost construction", which ultimately hang on the balance sheet of the state in the form of unfinished construction projects.

"One of the problems that significantly hinders the solution of the tasks of unfinished construction is imperfect regulation in this area. It does not provide the necessary conditions and effective tools for effectively reducing the volume and number of objects of unfinished construction. In particular, the very concept of "unfinished construction." Earlier, the Accounts Chamber has already noted this problem, however, the corresponding changes to the regulatory legal acts have not been made", - said in report Accounts Chamber.

In particular, up to 3,400 buildings and infrastructural structures, on which budget money is "mastered", have turned into "long-term construction". They cost the budget 875 billion rubles, but they were not completed in five years. 4,300 objects with a total value of 248 billion rubles are even classified as "abandoned": their construction is suspended or mothballed.

The problem is only getting worse every year - over the past, still "pre-coronavirus" year, the number of "long-term construction" objects has increased by 47, and abandoned construction projects - by six. Rosprirodnazdor became the record holder for "ghost construction": without exception, all objects of this department, which were financed from its budget, became problematic. More than 80% of the money allocated for construction went into "abandoned" and "long-term construction" from the Ministry of Transport, Rosarkhiv, Rosselkhoznadzor and Rosvodresursy.

The situation is a little better with the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Treasury, the Federal Customs Service, Rospechat - they each have 50% of long-term construction and abandoned facilities, the Federal Agency for Fishery (57.1% of objects), Rospotrebnadzor (51.6%), FMBA (55.6 %), The Ministry of Education and Science (58%), the Ministry of Agriculture (59.1%) and the Ministry of Economic Development (66.7%).

And even in the Presidential Property Management Department, almost every fourth line (24.1%) turned into an object of unfinished construction, while the most problematic were the most expensive objects, on which 75.4% of the construction budget was spent.

"There is no effective system of accounting and control over the involvement of unfinished construction projects in the economic turnover. This creates conditions under which federal and regional executive authorities make decisions on the construction of new facilities without assessing the possibility of completing similar unfinished facilities", - the Accounts Chamber's report says.
