Posted 23 ноября 2020,, 06:41

Published 23 ноября 2020,, 06:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

14-year-old schoolchildren from Kansk were accused of creating a terrorist community

23 ноября 2020, 06:41
It is known that 14-year-olds were detained last summer when they were pasting leaflets in the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, in support of MSU graduate student Azat Miftakhov, accused of attacking the office of United Russia. One of them was glued to the local FSB building by the schoolchildren.

According to the website of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" , the FSB accused young residents of the city of Kansk of creating a terrorist community for chatting with correspondence and plans to jokingly "blow up" the FSB building in the computer game Minecraft. Human rights activist, coordinator of the "Mothers against political repression" association Alexandra Krylenkova in an interview with the radio station noted that she was scared after the frequent arrests of children in recent years.

The publication notes that three ninth-graders discussed the ideas of anarchism on social networks. According to the Telegram channel Baza, after threats, pressure and promises that "everything will be fine," two of the teenagers pleaded guilty. They were put under house arrest, and the one who did not admit his guilt was sent to a pre-trial detention center.

As notes , the FSB officers first talked to the young detainees and took away their phones, after which they were released. However, later the operatives allegedly got access to the contents of the phones and "read a lot of unpleasant words about themselves." Parents of teenagers believe that law enforcement agencies want to fabricate a case, but according to the FSB, it is more and more serious - the schoolchildren allegedly really prepared for terrorist activities since October 2019, studied prohibited extremist literature, watched films about making explosives and even practiced skills in abandoned buildings and on vacant lots...

On February 18, in Kerch, the preparation of two terrorist acts in educational institutions of the city using improvised explosive devices with striking elements was suppressed. They were taken from teenagers who called themselves followers of 18-year-old Vladislav Roslyakov. Vladislav Roslyakov studied at the Kerch Polytechnic College, in October 2018 he staged an explosion and shooting there, as a result of which 21 people died, including himself, 40 people were injured. This massacre in an educational institution is called the largest in the modern history of Europe.