Posted 23 ноября 2020,, 13:29

Published 23 ноября 2020,, 13:29

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The reason for the failures of the Armenian air defense in Karabakh was called the powerful electronic suppression

23 ноября 2020, 13:29
Azerbaijani information resources have disseminated a video, which shows how an unidentified electronic warfare system of the Azerbaijani army successfully suppresses air defense of the armies of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.

On November 21, a video was published on the Internet showing how a pair of Mi-35M multipurpose transport and combat helicopters of the Azerbaijani Air Force attacked Armenian positions in Nagorno-Karabakh during the conflict, which lasted from September 27 to November 10. The attack demonstrated the helplessness of the Armenian air defense systems. But, as it turned out, the situation in the recent war was even worse - the Armenian "hunters" - air defense themselves turned into "prey", including the vaunted S-300 and Tor air defense systems.

New video frames from the fields of the recent Karabakh war that have appeared on the network show a whole series of unsuccessful attempts by the Armenian military to shoot down an Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicle from the Osa air defense system, which is carrying out reconnaissance of the area. The first rocket fired was able to fly only 300-400 meters from the object and plummeted into the ground. A few minutes later, another rocket was fired, flying only a little closer and also falling near the launcher. According to the journalists of the portal, this may indicate the complete suppression of air defense systems by an unknown electronic warfare system.

Earlier there was information that the Azerbaijani army is mainly armed with the Belarusian Groza complexes (pictured) and their various modifications. "At present, Azerbaijan operates several types of electronic warfare systems, but the Belarusian equipment is considered the most effective. It has a high rate of mobility, but the main feature is the ability to quickly find targets", - the newspaper notes.

Back in October, it was reported that the Azerbaijanis cleverly deceived the Armenian military by launching unmanned "kukuruzniki" (light training planes) aircrafts An-2 into the airspace they controlled. They were displayed on air defense radars as combat aircraft, but when detected, the anti-aircraft missile systems gave their exact coordinates. As a result, the Azerbaijani military found out the exact locations, including the S-300, which were soon destroyed.