Posted 25 ноября 2020, 14:03
Published 25 ноября 2020, 14:03
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
According to the Telegram channel, the daily plans were set to the police until the end of the year. Each district has its own plan, depending on the number of residents living in it. They allegedly ordered everyone, without exception, to be fined, even those who temporarily pulled the mask down to their chin. Violators are primarily searched for at public transport stops and in shops.
"The information that the leadership gave the order to increase the number of citizens fined for the lack of masks is not valid", - appears in the message of the department on Twitter.
Let us recall that from October 28, a nationwide mask regime was introduced in the country. All residents of the country must wear masks in public places, in shops, on public transport and at work. In Moscow, Russians face a fine of four thousand rubles for not wearing a mask. For travel without a mask in the metro and buses, residents of the capital will be fined five thousand.
Earlier it became known about the existence of plans by the police to catch violators of the mask regime. In the spring of this year, audio recordings of the order of the head of the Novosibirsk precinct police Natalia Ustinova, who gives subordinates instructions on how many people need to be fined daily for not wearing a mask, got on the network. After the publicity, the head was fired from the service.