In order to “hijack” a Telegram channel, attackers use social engineering, disguising their actions as negotiations about advertising. At the last stage, the scammers ask to download an archive file that supposedly contains a presentation of a product that requires advertising. In fact, there is a malicious program that selects accounts and transfers data to cybercriminals.
The average user also runs the risk of losing their data. So, for example, in the search for Telegram, it is not always possible to find the desired channel - often as a result, several identically designed ones appear. However, only one of them is real, while others contain phishing and advertising content. Therefore, experts recommend looking for Telegram channels through external verified sources.
Some fraudulent channels have already received the SCAM tag from the administration of the messenger. However, not all of them. Experts from the Center for Digital Expertise of Roskachestvo (Russian Quality System) told how to check a Telegram channel for signs of fraud.
So, you need to be careful if you are offered:
Deputy Head of Roskachestvo (Russian Quality System) Ilya Loevsky reminds that no Internet site can restrict users from all risks. Responsibility for digital security lies with the website visitor, messenger, etc. “Analyze your online activities and improve your digital hygiene. Remember that in the network you are on the defensive, and the scammers are attacking”, - he said.