Posted 30 ноября 2020,, 08:51

Published 30 ноября 2020,, 08:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Social networks were outraged by the authorities' plans to check pensioners for additional income

Social networks were outraged by the authorities' plans to check pensioners for additional income

30 ноября 2020, 08:51
As Novye Izvestia has already reported, next year the authorities plan to check pensioners for additional income in order to exclude supplements to the pensions of those who receive below the subsistence minimum. Some, officials warn, will have to return the "illegally obtained" money to the PFR.

This news caused a storm of fair indignation on social networks: Russian pensioners are already the most financially vulnerable social group, but the state is doing everything to keep them from getting out of poverty.

“Yes, it's high time the old men cut their tails! Have become insolent, you know, fatten on people's money, when the whole country is in such tension! So, they still manage to earn extra money on the sly... Indeed, what if they sell a bunch of their dill? Or a couple of liters of milk?

To fine, or better - to plant. And take away their pensions!", - outraged scientist and public figure Vera Afanasyeva.

And analyst Mikhail Krutikhin shares his sad retirement experience:

“That's right. For example, they have already checked me, found fees for articles and lectures, and took action: they deprived me of the monthly "charity" from the Moscow authorities and demanded to return more than 100 thousand rubles for illegally received charity in previous periods.

A classmate of mine who receives a pension in the United States was amazed when I told him about this practice in Russia. When he receives royalties, then some kind of transfers to the pension fund go from them and as a result, the fund each time slightly increases (!) The size of his monthly pension.

In the kingdom of crooked mirrors, the opposite is true. And a vulgar deception is considered a concern for pensioners..."

Pensioner Tatiana Beregova adds:

“I got into the same situation, with the only difference that the amounts are incomparable... 5 years ago I decided to legally earn extra money (fortunately, next to the house and only for 2 hours and not every day), the salary is already 5 thousand rubles, and the thieves paid extra me to my minimum pension of 7 thousand - 2 thousand rubles, in total: pension 9 thousand and a salary of 5 thousand rubles...

And now, 6 months after I had already stopped working part-time, I receive a letter informing the thieves' gang about my enrichment while working part-time and for this I have to return 10 thousand rubles of surcharge to them, and I only worked for 3 months. I ask the hateful clerks - why do you keep them for 5 months, and not for 3, they are responsible - for two more, it is because they did not report that they quit ... and they still filed a lawsuit against me and kept me from the pension for 5 months for 2 thousand rubles..."

And the St. Petersburg artist Igor Aleshin complains:

“In our “Kartunbank” cartoonists, having received several hundred rubles deductions for old cartoons sold online, have lost several thousand additional payments to their pension. As a result, the old guard refuses to cooperate..."