Posted 1 декабря 2020,, 20:28

Published 1 декабря 2020,, 20:28

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Tikhanovskaya offered to publish a book of crimes against the Belarusian people

1 декабря 2020, 20:28
Former presidential candidate in Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya announced the creation of a unified book for registering crimes committed against participants in protest actions in the country.

Tikhanovskaya promised that she would seek criminal prosecution and sanctions against perpetrators of human rights violations at the international level.

“I am initiating the launch of a unified crime registration book created by the People's Anti-Crisis Directorate and a team of former ByPol law enforcement officers”, - Interfax quotes Tikhanovskaya's statement.

The book, which Tikhanovskaya plans to publish, will detail all violations of the law. This will help lawyers check the collected materials and prepare documents for the initiation of criminal cases, both at the national and international levels. The names of those who will be included in the book of crimes, Tikhanovskaya will recommend to be included in the sanctions lists. Work on the creation of a single book has already begun.

“Last week we already filed the first criminal case in the court of international jurisdiction in Lithuania. This is the case of Maksim Khoroshin, who was tortured and forced to leave Belarus”, - Tikhanovskaya said.

She advised those who participated in unlawful actions against participants in peaceful protest actions "to write a confidential confession in confidence, or to testify about the crimes that took place before his eyes." Initially, Tikhanovskaya did not plan to engage in politics, but she was forced to put forward her candidacy after her husband, Sergei Tikhanovsky, who ran for the highest government post in the country, was arrested and ended up in the category of political prisoners.

Mass protests in Belarus began on August 9, when the presidential elections ended in the country. The victory in them with 80% of the vote, despite numerous falsifications, was awarded to the incumbent head of state Alexander Lukashenko by the CEC for the sixth time, and Tikhanovskaya, who allegedly gained only 10%, was awarded second place. Many voters believed that, in fact, the voting results were "mirrored." Outraged by the incident, the citizens of the country began to take to the streets and organize peaceful protests, which were brutally suppressed by the security forces. They beat unarmed men, women and even children. Several people died, thousands were imprisoned.