Most companies refuse to organize corporate events not because of the coronavirus

Most companies refuse to organize corporate events not because of the coronavirus

2 декабря 2020, 15:38
According to a survey by the service, 81% of companies do not plan to hold New Year's corporate parties. Alexander Shershukov, deputy chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, believes that this is due to the lack of money from firms.

He told about this in an interview with Sputnik radio.

Shershukov called corporate events "a mirror of the economic situation in companies". According to him, the economic situation in many firms is now tense or bad. And the fact that companies refuse from New Year's corporate parties looks quite logical.

“Whoever can, they will hold corporate parties in an abridged version. After all, employers are not obliged to hold corporate events, this is goodwill. This is not even written in the collective agreement. If it is not held, then money is bad”, - Shershukov explained.

By the way, according to the research, 19% of companies still intend to hold corporate events. In particular, 15% - in offices or external sites, and 4% - online.

Earlier it was also reported that 47% of Russians would like to take part in a New Year's corporate party if the restrictions on coronavirus are lifted.

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