Posted 2 декабря 2020,, 12:50

Published 2 декабря 2020,, 12:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Volunteers decorate New Year's trees at medical institutions in Irkutsk

Volunteers decorate New Year's trees at medical institutions in Irkutsk

2 декабря 2020, 12:50
Фото: Медиахолдинг 1Mi
Volunteers of the #SNovimGodomDoctor (#HappyNewYearDoctor) campaign started decorating Christmas trees in medical institutions in Irkutsk. The event is part of a project organized by the Doctors Assistance Headquarters to create a New Year's mood for doctors. This is reported on the official portal of the region.

The action takes place in several stages. First, a collection of New Year's trees and decorations was announced, including garlands of white and yellow colors. Then volunteers-decorators responded to the call to create a New Year's mood for the doctors. They wanted to create a unique design for each medical facility.

Let us note that the first decorated New Year's tree is already in the hall of the Irkutsk City Perinatal Center. “Today, any support, any sign of attention is important for medical workers. And the New Year is a great occasion to say “Thank you!” to the doctors, giving them a festive mood”, - said the head physician of the institution, Irina Yezhova.

The organizers of the action also expressed their gratitude to all those who spare no time and money to help doctors.

At the moment, volunteers need garlands, toys, and decorators' assistants. The addresses where you can bring everything you need are indicated here.