Posted 11 декабря 2020, 15:43

Published 11 декабря 2020, 15:43

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Higher and higher... The expert allowed a possibility of a new increase in the retirement age

Higher and higher... The expert allowed a possibility of a new increase in the retirement age

11 декабря 2020, 15:43
Additional requirements for the seniority of future pensioners may entail a new increase in the retirement age of Russians.

A further increase in the retirement age is almost inevitable, says Maria Konyagina , professor of the RANEPA SZIU, Doctor of Economics:

“Unfortunately, the retirement age in Russia will continue to increase, because it is the length of service that should stimulate the growth of the nominal size of the pension. If you look at the increasing waves of devaluation of our national currency, then future government payments are likely to lose to pensions of earlier periods, both in purchasing power and in comparison with cash security in most European countries".

Among the possible consequences of the new pension reform, the professor named an increase in the number of unemployed pre-retirees, the “aging” of the workforce and a drop in the rate of implementation of modern services: “Of course, in terms of mastering technologies, 2020 showed us the opposite. But nevertheless, the change of generations in the workplace must take place on time".

Separately, the Doctor of Economics dwelled on ways to increase savings. In order to receive a decent pension upon reaching old age, the expert advised to rely not only on future government support, but also to think about alternative sources of income.

“There are many options: start your own successful business and then either sell it or inherit it, receiving dividends; invest in investment insurance, understanding all the risks of this enterprise. A good alternative today is the formation of an individual investment plan, a citizen develops it with a non-state pension fund. A corporate pension, which is paid by large companies, can also be a good solution”, - the economist emphasized.

In conclusion, Maria Konyagina commented on the initiative of the Ministry of Labor to increase the lump sum payment to pensioners, calling this decision an objective necessity.

“A pensioner cannot and is not obliged to eat and live only according to the consumer basket. I am convinced that this increase is only a compensation for the real losses in the purchasing power of pensioners. This is not an improvement in their quality of life, but an attempt to maintain the level of consumption, which is important both for a pensioner and for the country's economy”, - the expert said.

We will remind, earlier it became known that in the medium term the government may need to tighten requirements for the length of service of future pensioners and increase insurance premiums for business. Without these measures, after 2030, the level of pensions in relation to wages in the country will fall below the current level and by 2050 will drop to 27% against 34% in 2018.
