Posted 11 декабря 2020, 15:26
Published 11 декабря 2020, 15:26
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Sergey Peskov, Chairman of the Public Movement "TRUD"
Every fourth worker is employed in hidden forms of agency work. This is a service sector where one business purchases labor services from another business, often through tender procedures.
All foreign labor migrants mainly work here. Average salaries here are 80% lower than in the formal market for similar positions. If we talk about the wage fund, which has been reduced over the years during tender maneuvers for the purchase of such services, the amount is 6.4 trillion rubles a year. It is obvious - the loss of income of citizens, this money did not enter the domestic consumption market, but went into additional profits of companies purchasing agency services.
What does 6.4 trillion mean? This is about 30-35 thousand rubles of lost wages per month per employee.
In other words, the salary of a warehouse worker employed by an outsourcing company should not be 30-40 thousand rubles with processing, but all 60-70 thousand rubles.
There is no incentive for employers to raise salaries for full-time workers, since they always have an alternative in the form of agency workers, often foreign citizens.
But proper regulation of the labor market on the provision of personnel by employers to perform work in the interests of other legal entities did not take place, since the so-called "agency work" is formally prohibited by law in our country.
Currently, the hourly rate is set taking into account the minimum wage and is about 70 rubles - you can buy a loaf of bread or a carton of milk.
State Duma deputies previously initiated the introduction of an hourly minimum wage of 150 rubles for part-time workers, it is necessary to consider such a rate for all forms of employment.
Hence, due to limited budgets and low minimum wages, there is a low income of public sector employees. Today funding is based on the capabilities of the regional, district and municipal budgets. The salary differentiation is very large. For example, the median salary in the Siberian region is 15% lower than the average salary in Russia. And if you look at what is happening within the district, you can find the spread in salaries up to 70%.
As you know, at a meeting with members of the government, Putin said: “But look, no matter how we succeed, as it was in the Soviet Union. Do you remember what they said then? They used to say: "The Soviet Union has everything, but not everyone has enough". But then there was not enough, because there was a deficit. And now it may not be enough, because people do not have enough money to purchase certain products at the prices that we see on the market...”. The President is absolutely right, people should not skimp on healthy food, medicines and children. The question is what decisions and actions of the authorities will follow.