Posted 15 декабря 2020, 11:12

Published 15 декабря 2020, 11:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Putin congratulated Biden on winning the election

Putin congratulated Biden on winning the election

15 декабря 2020, 11:12
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Democratic Party candidate Joseph Biden on his victory in the US presidential election by sending him a congratulatory telegram.

In a congratulatory telegram, Putin wished the new President of America every success in his new position, and also expressed the hope that the two great powers - Russia and the United States, which today bear enormous responsibility for global security, despite the existing differences, will be able to reach agreement on a solution most of the problems that humanity faces today.

“For my part, I am ready to interact with you”, - the head of state wrote.

The US elections were held on November 3. The voting results were not immediately known. This year, the counting of votes was delayed due to the fact that part of the voters due to the coronavirus epidemic voted by mail. This, according to the previous president, who also participated in the elections, Donald Trump, made it possible to falsify the voting results. Trump is trying to challenge his defeat in court.

Putin was one of the last to congratulate the American president on his victory. Earlier, he stated that he did not congratulate Biden, since he was waiting for "the end of the internal political confrontation". Putin recalled that last time everyone also congratulated Hillary Clinton on the victory, and later it turned out that Trump won. As a result of the presidential election, Biden received 306 electoral votes, Trump only 232 votes. Now, according to the US Constitution, the voting results must be approved by Congress. Its meeting will take place on January 6. And the nauguration should take place on January 20.
