Doctor: hasty completion of therapy threatens re-hospitalization for covid

17 декабря 2020, 10:38
The main reasons leading to re-hospitalization with coronavirus, candidate of medical sciences, therapist Andrei Kondrakhin called an incomplete illness and a rush to leave the hospital.

- If you stop therapy too early, then the disease can really return. In addition, many of our patients prefer to leave hospitals as soon as possible and stop taking medications as soon as the symptoms go away, '' the doctor said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to Kondrakhin, there are a number of conditions designed to reduce the possibility of complications after the patient is discharged from the medical facility. For example, some drugs used to treat coronavirus infection need to be taken within a month. The expert stressed that it is extremely important to complete the course to the end, if one is appointed by the attending physician.

- "There are some drugs that need to be taken for a month. It is very important to finish them to the end. The second point is to monitor the blood and do not forget to take a second test two weeks after discharge. Another important condition is not to overcool, not to freeze," the specialist advised ...

He also added that you should not overload the body with physical activity. It is also necessary to control blood pressure, reduce the amount of fatty6 spicy, salty food consumed and give up alcohol for at least a month.

Meanwhile, in a number of Russian cities, the bed capacity for patients with coronavirus is almost exhausted. For example, in St. Petersburg, the scale of hospitalization of the infected turned out to be so great that the workload of hospitals was called unprecedented. On December 1, it was reported that St. Petersburg, like Kaliningrad, had almost exhausted the reserve of beds for patients with coronavirus infection.

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