The number of Telegram users is approaching 500 million. Pavel Durov points out that supporting projects of this scale "costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year". However, we are not talking about selling the messenger.
“We're not going to sell the company like the founders of WhatsApp did. The world needs Telegram as an independent project that respects the rights of users and provides high quality service. Telegram should continue to serve as a model for a technology company that strives for excellence and integrity. Sad examples of our predecessors show that this is impossible as part of a large corporation", - wrote the creator of Telegram and VKontakte.
Durov assured that Telegram will “exist for a long time” and “bring the world much more” of what the company has done to the date.
"Telegram will start monetizing next year. In doing so, we will remain true to our values and guarantees that we gave in the past. Thanks to the achieved scale, we will be able to monetize Telegram unobtrusively - most users will hardly notice any major changes”, - Durov explained.
Earlier, the European Commission first accused VKontakte and Telegram of piracy.