Posted 30 декабря 2020,, 11:14

Published 30 декабря 2020,, 11:14

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

A night before the bucket: hundreds of garages will be demolished in the Ryazan district of the capital under the chimes

A night before the bucket: hundreds of garages will be demolished in the Ryazan district of the capital under the chimes

30 декабря 2020, 11:14
Garages on Okskaya Street - kirdyk. Even in the morning it did not bode well, but in the night there was a heart-rending call from the chairwoman - "urgently take out the car, control center at the gate". We thought it was a fire ... My husband ran.
Moscow region

There was no smoke or fire on the approaches to the garages, and there was a piece of paper on each box:

Lyudmila Butuzova

“Very important !!! Dear owner, at a meeting of the urban planning and land commission of the city of Moscow, a decision was made to vacate the territory occupied by garage objects..." Small print - the number of resolution 1366-PP and the date of adoption - already 10/18/2019. An even smaller note in pencil - "get out until the new year". That is, the pill was prepared a long time ago, and it was ordered to swallow it in three days. Exactly so much was given to collect documents (membership book, passport, bank statement), go to the council, write an application for monetary compensation, take out the trash from the garage and leave it with the car before the bulldozers arrived.

From the surging joy, not everyone immediately noticed that the ad did not have seals, signatures, a list of responsible persons, a demolition deadline, and there was no demolition decree itself. Maybe a joke? Come on... The clerk at the council, from which the vigilant garages in the morning pulled out at least some reason for urgent deportation, with a blue eye he argued that there was a demolition order, but it was for official use, and "not for you." After perepali with a threatening waving of hands in the table there was a piece of paper without identification marks, but with reference to two orders for the demolition - the Moscow City Hall (No. R-396. / 20) and the Prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District (No. 802-RP). Rewrote. But on the official websites of documents with such numbers do not exist, having plowed through the entire Internet, even Google did not find them. And even earlier, in the fall, when the garages in Maryina Roshcha and throughout the south-west of the capital were insolently smashed, the Moscow City Duma deputies were looking for "passable resolutions" - also unsuccessfully. “The thugs do not leave traces,” said Sergei Mitrokhin, the main garage defender. Those who did not believe in this are now convinced...

On the other hand, why would the authorities leave traces? People themselves go, voluntarily write a refusal from the garage in exchange for 175,000 rubles, and some even think that they have done a mutually beneficial thing with the rioters chench.

- Your will, you don't have to write, - said the administrative clerk, tired of our nit-picking... - You will be demolished anyway for state needs, but without money.

Holy and inevitable truth!

In our case, the state, represented by Moscow, needed, according to the decree of the Moscow government No. 1366-PP, in the multifunctional public zone No. 10 on the site of parking lot No. 88, sandwiched from three sides Ryazansky prospect, st. Okskoy and Vyazemsky passage. Yes, there are only 60 garages and a doghouse! But no, according to the project, the zone is not so small - an area of 41.9 hectares, and includes not only our frail garages, but ten more of the same for a total of 550 cars, as well as a garment factory that has become unnecessary for Moscow, a bunch of car services , car washes, shops, bases and railway rails to the industrial zone "Graivoronovo". The most interesting thing is that the residents of the area seem to two years ago, they unanimously voted to remove all this economy as soon as possible and on the vacated place to build 733, 5 thousand. square meters of business class housing. By that time, the developer of the Glavstroy Group of Companies had already erected several towers of 20-30 floors on the edge of the "zone" and was paving the way to new heights with a tank. It is impossible to stop. Until the beginning of 2018, Glavstroy was the property of Oleg Deripaska, but then, according to Forbes magazine, it transferred construction assets to trusted persons to protect them from Western sanctions. Thereby the construction business of the oligarch, unlike himself, did not get into the SDN list of the American Ministry of Finance, but received a second wind in our godforsaken konubrya. And if 550 owners of the demolished garages were not so angry, they could well be proud that in difficult times they supported Deripaska himself.

Alas, we are not up to it now. There are only a few hours until the night of long buckets. Time has gone. And forgive us, adherents of legality and law, that we, obedient sheep, do not climb the barricades, do not call the police, do not call deputies for help and do not signal to the ECHR about the violation of the sacred right of property. At the moment, we have a more important task - to get our cars out of the boxes as soon as possible and stick them at least somewhere before arrival of bulldozers.

The worst thing is that THEY figured it out, and, perhaps, enjoy the arranged perdimonocles. Meanwhile, small, in the opinion of our persecutors, but dramatic events for people unfold in garages. A neighbor on the right in the hospital with a coronavirus, his wife cannot get into the garage, the Emergencies Ministry came to open the locks. Another neighbor on a long trip, does not know about the demolition, the fate of his "Audi" is in doubt and it is good if she is with him. The third, on crutches after the accident, with the risk of earning a hernia, carries the scrap metal accumulated over 30 years to the collection point. A sledgehammer fell from the mezzanine on some other guy, who zealously set about dismantling the rubble ...

And then, in the midst of the excitement in garages activists showed up from the parking lot opposite. Glavstroy ran over them back in the spring, when it was enclosed by a fence. The owners, unlike us, desperately resisted. Why did they come here? Agitate? No, make me nervous with memories: “We went through this war, we will not advise anyone... 40 people started protecting garages, three weeks later 6 women remained, were on duty during the day, replaced husbands at night. But we could not.... This is a real war!!!! We were demolished anyway..... We were tired...... And no one paid a penny.... And they lost their health... ”The maximum that was achieved - after half a year a criminal case was opened on the fact of stealing garages. And nothing. From the Department of Internal Affairs write: the garages were stolen by unidentified persons. And they have all the faces on the video.

Our watchman, after watching the video, roared the alarm: “Valuable trash with myself! I will not guard!" Yes people already prepared - in front of each garage there are two ejection trailers.

In the garage, my husband has a collection of works by a late classic, 80 liters of five-year-old mushrooms, new off-season tires and a door from an old apartment. The door was taken away by orderlies - to drag the man injured by the sledgehammer to the ambulance. To get rid of essays and mushrooms, you have to drive out the car. It won't start, the battery is dead. The aged charger winked a couple of times and also died, the neighbors have no charger, quickly buy a new one - the shops are closed. Advises on the phone what to do. I suggest leaving the mushrooms to the marauders, the deceased classics - upvote, let them read "Who is guilty?" and "What to do?" Car - rest until morning, maybe they will not come by surprise.

But this is - how to say... A week earlier on Krasnaya Sosny Street in Moscow garage workers learned about the start of the demolition actually from the Internet. The cries of the owners, who ran to the nodding analysis, are still in our ears.

But if you remember, Moscow has been wailing all year without ceasing. Until December there were four waves of demolition, 300,000 garages washed away, none of them resisted. The fifth wave rolled over in the second decade of December. It was planned to demolish the face of the Moscow land 43,000 sq. m. garage buildings, the plan was doubled. For about six months, the authorities identified their location and, in fact, found it, not allowing the garages to hold out until the saving amnesty. Even on the Rublev land, lurking buildings were discovered, the view of which significantly reduced the price of neighboring houses in Nazaryevo and Goryshkino. Because of the look and demolished, not particularly bothering with other "justifications". According to the metropolitan demolition program, garages are subject to liquidation if they do not meet safe urban planning standards, are located in areas with a special mode of use, on important engineering communications, are recognized as unauthorized construction because of the expired Soviet documents, or unsuitable for use due to "natural decay", etc., as far as imagination is enough. Garages are all one - in whatever spit - everywhere an ambush. It’s even interesting: how can a garage amnesty help those doomed to death? For two years, the Russian government, together with the State Duma, have been fooling people's heads with these projects, and it is as if they do not see that Sobyanin has outplayed everyone long ago - there is nothing to amnesty in Moscow. Moreover: nothing shone in the proposed projects for the metal boxes. It has always been only about garages with foundations and main walls.

Well, let their owners lucky. Unlike millions of Muscovites, whom the caring authorities have left without a roof at all and without a place for their cars. Tomorrow they will also deprive us... That's where 550 street cars go? - There is not a single parking lot in the area - neither paid nor free, the streets are crowded, there are no courtyards... At least take them to the apartment... The council found a better option. "Nearby there is a scrap metal point, you can immediately go to junk". Like a joke. But just in case, you have to take a queue.