Posted 12 января 2021,, 06:11

Published 12 января 2021,, 06:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Pfizer vaccine will not reach Russian private clinics until the end of the year

Pfizer vaccine will not reach Russian private clinics until the end of the year

12 января 2021, 06:11
In connection with the mass vaccination against the COVID-19 that has begun, many Russians would also like to get vaccinated, but they are waiting for the vaccine from Pfizer to start arriving in Russia. They hope that this will open up the borders of the Western countries for them sooner.

However, the vaccine from Pfizer will not be delivered to Russia in the nearest future.

According to the Interfax agency, the American company Pfizer in 2021 will supply the vaccine against COVID-19 developed jointly with the German company BioNTech only under the already concluded government agreements. Without this, delivery to Russia even through private clinics is still impossible, including the branch of the Israeli hospital Hadassah in Skolkovo, which positions itself as "the only medical institution that can use drugs unregistered in Russia".

At the same time, Pfizer expressed their understanding of the desire of many people around the world to get vaccinated as soon as possible and with their drug, but Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have not even been registered in Russia.

In Russia, mass vaccination against coronavirus has begun with the domestic vaccine Sputnik V, developed at the Gamaleya Center with the support of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). RDIF says that more than 1.5 million people have already been vaccinated in Russia, but many experts consider these numbers dubious.

At the moment, scientists from over 100 laboratories around the world continue to work on the development of effective antiviral vaccines. There are about a dozen of them in Russia alone.