Posted 14 января 2021,, 13:40

Published 14 января 2021,, 13:40

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Residents of an entire district near Kostroma were left without heating in 30-degree frosts

14 января 2021, 13:40
In the city of Manturovo, Kostroma region, residents of an entire district were left without heating during abnormal frosts. The reason for the shutdown of heat and hot water was the lack of fuel oil.

In the Kostroma region, at the height of the heating season, the fuel oil needed to heat housing ran out. According to, on January 12, when the temperature in the region dropped to -40 degrees, the whole area in the city of Manturovo was left without heating. Due to abnormal frosts in the region, 139 schools were closed: classes were canceled for students so that children would not freeze. However, many of the houses turned out to be a little warmer than outside.

“Manturovites complained in social networks about the incredible cold in their apartments, and some did not have hot water”, - the message says.

The regional department of construction and housing and communal services said that the cause of the emergency was a lack of fuel oil.

“In connection with the unfair fulfillment of contractual obligations by the contractor for the supply of fuel oil, boiler room No. 33 was switched to a reserve source of fuel to keep the coolant from freezing”, - the authorities said.

Officials said that "the situation is under control", the freezing city has received additional funding to purchase fuel from other suppliers.

“The heat supply is carried out in accordance with the temperature schedule. On this fact, a statement was sent to the prosecutor's office to take measures of the prosecutor's response to the supplier”, - the publication quotes the commentary of the relevant department.

There was no heat in the houses of residents for about a day. On January 13, the batteries in the apartments began to warm again.

The Kostroma Region, whose northeastern regions are still deprived of access to natural gas, is forced to spend significant funds annually on the purchase of expensive fuel oil for heating homes. Deficiency or poor quality of fuel is often the reason for the breakdown of the heating season. The most problematic situation is in the Manturov and Sharya districts. According to the Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex, as of 01.01.2019, the level of gasification of the Kostroma Region with natural gas was 59.72% (72.89% in cities and 30.14% in rural areas).