Posted 15 января 2021, 06:20
Published 15 января 2021, 06:20
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
On the website of the bath complex, this service is the last in the list and is called "Ritual bath steaming "Seven Steams - Connection with Heaven"". The duration of the action is 9 hours! The cost is 1,000,000 rubles per person.
"We invite you to try the ancient Vedic bath ritual we have collected bit by bit", - is said in the description of the service (spelling and style of the original - noted by the ed.) - All Baths are seven-step, according to the number of heavens. On the seventh, a couple of people usually soar up to heaven, if it is normally cleansed and attuned. It is also possible soaring to the stars. Evening baths on the aging moon are made for cleansing rituals, heal from diseases, damage, evil eye. We reserve the right to keep the mystery of the ritual a secret. Let me just hint that after you will not stay the same. The bath ritual is perfect before any important event, be it a new year, birthday, wedding, promotion or a new stage in your life".
The call of the Novye Izvestia correspondent to the bathhouse administrator confirmed that everything written was not a New Year's joke or a draw game.
The employee kindly said that she had no right to reveal the order and essence of the sacraments by phone.
That it is better to call these rituals not pagan, but Slavic.
That in the state of the bath complex there are no shamans, no magicians, no sorcerers, no priests, and the business owner himself helps to soar to the seven heavens, who since childhood dreamed of building ideal Russian baths and, having earned money on other businesses, made my dream come true two years ago...
True, not everyone can pass this test for a million rubles. According to the administrator, it is necessary to undergo "colossal preparation".
A prerequisite is a deep and detailed interview of the owner with a candidate for soaring. The applicant, as a rule, must experience some life difficulties that he could not overcome in other ways, and must, accordingly, believe in the ideological concepts of the organizer of the enterprise.
Separate requirements are for the client's health. It goes without saying that deep soaring in a Russian bath with brooms, massages, aromatherapy and scrubs is impossible for cancer patients, heart patients, pregnant women, mind-touched, suffering from skin ailments, etc.
Well, if the client approached all positions, and in the end did not end up in seventh heaven and did not soar to the stars - what then?
It turned out that such a loser would get his million back and even apologize. But there have not been such cases in the practice of the bath complex yet!
Of course, you can check the reliability of this only by paying a million and passing an interview with the owner of the establishment. The correspondent of Novye Izvestia doesn't have such money.
So it remains to ask those who are more fortunate to write to us about their feelings and the life consequences of such an original service.
We promise to publish the reviews without cuts and edits.