Posted 19 января 2021,, 13:11

Published 19 января 2021,, 13:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The United States will test a missile over the Black Sea to destroy Russian ships

19 января 2021, 13:11
The command of the US Navy issued a provocative report, which refers to the imminent test in realistic conditions of the anti-ship cruise missile LRASM, already called the "destroyer" of ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

This means that the United States is planning to test the missile in the airspace over the Black Sea.

"The United States will test the AGM-158C (LRASM) anti-ship missile, which is called the "killer of the Russian Black Sea Fleet", - reports The missile with a range of about 950 kilometers is resistant to interference and is designed to detect targets using on-board sensors, without relying on guidance from a drone or a warship. Such a missile's range allows you to keep the entire Black Sea at gunpoint, even from anywhere on its shores...

"Recently, the Office of the Director of Operational Testing and Evaluation of the US Secretary of Defense's Adviser on Operational and Combat Tests and Evaluations of Weapons Systems) published an annual report. It said that the current version of LRASM still has multiple hardware and software glitches, but the Navy should rigorous testing process of the new version to ensure that it demonstrates its capabilities under realistic operating conditions. "LRASM 1.1 should be loaded using the full set of anticipated operating conditions", - cites the report.

The publication notes that such statements by the American military are not only provocative, but also very dangerous, since Russia is unlikely to agree to tests of American missiles in the waters of the Black Sea and is able to respond to any dangerous actions against its fleet, including launches of its Zircon hypersonic missiles off the coast of the United States.