According to the Iraqi International News Agency, the explosions thundered in the capital's shopping district - Bab al-Sharki on the Ad-Tayaran square. The Kurdish news channel "Rudau", citing data from the Iraqi Interior Ministry, reports 17 victims. At the same time, Al Hadath reports that there are at least 21 dead at the moment. About 80 local residents were injured. The condition of some is assessed as extremely serious. Several sources indicate that the death toll has risen to 28.
According to Rudau, the terrorists detonated improvised explosives in a busy trading market.
The Associated Press points out that there have been no such incidents in downtown Baghdad for several years. Moreover, in recent months, terrorists have carried out attacks on the territory of other Iraqi regions. The publication indicates that we are talking about the participants of the "Islamic State*", as well as local militants.
In recent months, terrorists have carried out attacks on the territory of other Iraqi regions. The publication indicates that we are talking about the participants of the "Islamic State*", as well as local militants.
* a terrorist organization activities of which are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation