Posted 21 января 2021,, 07:35

Published 21 января 2021,, 07:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Men selfies with "monkey tails" on the face filled social media

21 января 2021, 07:35
Monkey's tail whiskers are the pink of fashion now.

There is a new flash mob on social networks: men are posting selfies with a "monkey's tail" on their faces, according to the DailyMail. This designates the shape of the hairline, in which the sideburn on one cheek smoothly turns into a mustache on the other. The result is a kind of curl that vaguely resembles a twisted tail.

Baseball player Mike Fyers was the first to try this hairstyle: he came out with a "monkey tail" on the field during one of the matches in 2019. The athlete just wanted to amuse his teammates, but the idea was contagious.

Now there are almost ten thousand posts on Instagram with the hashtag #monkeytail. True, half of them - with the image of the cactus of the same name, but the other half - men of different ages and degrees of attractiveness with "tails" on their faces.