Posted 21 января 2021,, 13:31

Published 21 января 2021,, 13:31

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Not fair!" The Union of Passengers responded to Aeroflot's proposal on the size of baggage

21 января 2021, 13:31
The Union of Russian Passengers was critical of Aeroflot's initiative to reduce the size of baggage that can be carried free of charge. Earlier, the Ministry of Transport received a proposal from the air carrier.

"This concerns not a very large share of passengers, but, nevertheless, for many it will be critical. People who carry a lot of things with them often buy suitcases with the expectation of the maximum dimensions for transportation by air. But a suitcase is bought not for one trip, but for several years. If people bought a suitcase, focusing on the norms, and then the norms were taken and reduced, this is wrong, unfair. And so many measures have already been taken that are not in the interests of passengers: non-refundable tickets, bagless fares, and so on. We do not support this", - said Kirill Yankov, chairman of the Union of Russian Passengers, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport of Russia, in an interview with Sputnik radio.

In his opinion, the need for luggage depends on the destination. And if passengers, making business trips to St. Petersburg or Rostov-on-Don, do not take luggage at all, then those who fly with the same goals from the central part of the country, for example, to the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, will hardly do without luggage. Well, people flying on vacation with only hand luggage, of course, will not fly.

We will remind that earlier it became known about the initiative of Aeroflot, according to which the size of free baggage should be reduced by 20%. The Ministry of Transport believes that the issues of amending the FAP should be worked out additionally, and the opinions of all parties to the market should be taken into account.