Posted 26 января 2021, 08:04

Published 26 января 2021, 08:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Heartless from the heart: in the Department of Health, they check a doctor who cursed a subordinate

26 января 2021, 08:04
Ambulance and emergency medical aid station named after A.S. Puchkov checks its manager Natalia Romankova for an obscene clarification of relations with a subordinate employee. The headmistress spoke a bad language with the doctor, who told her that he could not go to work due to his illness.

The recorded conversation with the mention of different "mothers" was leaked on the Internet.

Julia Suntsova

Supervisory requirements for the media prohibit to reproduce the speech of the medical supervisor: from the normative vocabulary it included only the pretexts. In a very rude telephone conversation, Natalya Romankova demanded from her subordinate, an ambulance doctor, "not to hide behind a covid" and go to work, despite the temperature.

The sick leave for a medical colleague was opened by a doctor who visited the patient at home and prescribed him a course of antibiotics.

But the head of the hospital did not want to hear about any sick leave and demanded to "negotiate" with another doctor - and even for a bribe (!), But close the sick leave:

“You hide behind the coronavirus! Slava, do whatever you want, give bribes, but as you want, close the sick leave and go to work, I have the cars at the wall here. Can't you agree with a doctor as a doctor? He drinks antibiotics! You are a doctor, check out and go out!”, - if you omit the obscenities, the boss's advice sounds something like this.

The Moscow Department of Health is consolidated with the Ambulance and emergency medical aid station named after A.S. Puchkov and promptly responded to the incident with an official message:

“In connection with the publication on the Internet of an audio recording of a conversation between two employees, the Ambulance and emergency medical aid station is conducting an internal check.

"The administration of the Station will certainly invite a doctor - a participant in the conversation - to clarify all the circumstances of the situation, in particular, communication with his executive", - commented on in the Moscow Department of Health.

The administration of the ambulance substation also noted that any statements and expressions in a rude and incorrect form in relation to the personnel at the Station are categorically unacceptable: "An additional conversation will be held with the employees about the need to comply with ethical standards when communicating in a team".

Novye Izvestia asked the Department of Healthcare to also comment on Natalya Romankova's instructions to give a bribe to close the sick leave. The department has not yet provided a comment on this part.

Natalya Romankova is not only the head of the ambulance station, but also the deputy chief physician for the medical department with the assignment of responsibilities for the leadership of regional association No. 7, that is, she manages four ambulance substations in the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow. The total work experience is 35 years, in the current position - 25 years (according to official data from the website of the A.S. Puchkov Ambulance Station).

In the reception room of Natalia Georgievna they do not answer the phone.

Former colleagues of Romankova, who reacted to the scandal, note: “time has no power over her” - as she adhered to a certain “etiquette” when communicating with subordinates, she continues in the same spirit.

On the Web, Romankova's emotional conversation with a subordinate is vigorously discussed, including the doctors themselves and patients.

“The shortage of personnel - any, not only qualified, especially in the regions - is already a systemic problem, which, unfortunately, cannot be solved by reports or complaints. But this does not remove the question of why a sick doctor should go to work? And even more so - why should a suddenly ill employee for his leadership have to think about how to take on himself the useless personnel policy of the institution? The substation manager has a seven-figure salary - so let him organize the work, even if he breaks down like a cake. Let him take back the victorious reports to the dezdrav about successful optimization. Let the paramedics get out of the other world (they buried only three young guys in the first quarter the year before last). Everything, the embrasures remained, but there is no one to cover them with oneself”, - comments Tatiana Ch.

“Well, let's swear at the doctor. Will his temperature drop from this? Then we wonder why doctors are so sick, so dead - but they just endure all sores on their legs all their lives: the cars are standing, there is no one to do the surgery, there is no one to watch the X-ray”, - notes Olga O.

“Why should I feel sorry for her, Romankov? She wanted to be the boss. We should not feel sorry for her, but her large salary, which our budget spends on her and the amount of which clearly does not correspond to the level of performance of duties that are entrusted to the manager. Her duty is not to curse, but to provide a replacement. Interestingly, in the same tone, this lady can speak with her superiors and demand the allocation of adequate resources to close the required number of rates, increase salaries for doctors and staff? Secondly, there is no need to violate the laws. It is necessary to start building good work with the observance of laws, and not to rape people and intimidate them, to obtain indicators for themselves by blackmail and extortion”, - says Yulia K.

“The bottom... a shame... and laid out correctly. You need to know such “leaders” by name”, - says Tatiana S.

However, there were also admirers of Natalia Georgievna's talent:

“But this woman is a matron, she knows how to motivate. I listened to her like a nightingale. It seems that she served as a boatswain for twenty years. Beautiful girl! Her health minister, but where there! Now she will be fired from her post without severance pay. It's a pity...", - comments the user with the nickname loglgrad.

In the interregional trade union of medical workers "Action" said that the ambulance doctor himself, named Vyacheslav, has not yet applied for protection. Nevertheless, such relationships between medical leaders and subordinates cannot be ignored.

"Another medical boss is a boor who is trying to deprive her subordinate of the right to full treatment. This behavior is incompatible with the position held. Moreover, such behavior is irresponsible and ineffective in solving even short-term problems. If she says that she already has cars at the wall, then what happens when a sick employee joins the brigade? He re-infects the last remaining healthy doctors and paramedics. She creates these risks with her orders.

It is great that the Ministry of Health and the administration of the ambulance station noticed this egregious case. We, on our part, are waiting for a reaction. If the case is limited only to a reprimand or censure, the trade union will file a statement on the signs of a criminal offense under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Exceeding official powers" and an administrative offense under Article 5.61 of the Administrative Code "Insult" (humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in indecent or other contradictory the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics form, - said the organizing secretary of the trade union of health workers "Action" Andrey Konoval.

The problem described by the head of the department “cars are standing by the wall” means an acute shortage of emergency medical personnel. There is no one to fill the brigades with, no one to release on the line.

"The trouble is common throughout the country. This happens everywhere - in Moscow, in the regions, in the provinces, it is even worse in this regard. We have long defended the position that the ambulance service should work in a standby mode, and not like that - one call is given up and the team immediately rushes to another. In emergency situations, like the same coronavirus epidemic, such an organization of the service's work gives hope that doctors will cope with both the increased volume of calls and the overlaps that arise due to the fact that doctors themselves often become infected and get sick. The current equipment of the ambulance service throughout Russia is 2-3 times less than the existing needs and from the standards provided for by federal regulations", - says Konoval.

Staffing, of course, is not the direct function of the substation manager and not even the chief physician. Responsibility lies with the executive branch and the deputies who vote for the size of healthcare funding. But a lot depends on the leader who heads a specific medical structure. His direct responsibility is to report on the real situation and make proposals to the higher authorities. It did not work - the above and the complaints to the supervisory authorities. It did not work - the information in the media is also higher. If you act consistently and systematically - especially for those who are obliged to do it according to their position - there will be changes. Hamov, in any case, should be removed from the Russian healthcare - for humiliation of human dignity. Specifically, Natalya Romankova, even omitting her manners, does not solve the problem, she aggravates it, supporting the vicious system by over-exploiting ordinary employees, the trade union notes.
