Posted 26 января 2021, 08:27

Published 26 января 2021, 08:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Russian human rights defenders complained to the Council of Europe about the new "repressive laws"

Russian human rights defenders complained to the Council of Europe about the new "repressive laws"

26 января 2021, 08:27
Russian human rights defenders appealed to the Council of Europe because of "new serious threats to Russian civil society and fundamental rights and freedoms" in the Russian Federation. The reason for this appeal was the adoption of a "package of new repressive laws", as well as the preparation of a number of others.

According to RBC, referring to the text of the appeal, we are talking about amendments to the law on foreign agents - according to the document, the circle of people who can be recognized as such is expanding. Also refers to the amendments to the law "On meetings, rallies. Demonstrations, processions and picketing”, which, as stated in the appeal,“ significantly complicates the possibility of organizing ”such events. In addition, the introduction of a penalty for libel is indicated - imprisonment up to five years.

Human rights activists say that the laws adopted at the end of 2021, as well as those proposed for adoption, if they come into force, "will lead to a significant increase in the total control over Russian society by the state and an increase in the persecution for dissent".

According to the authors of the appeal, such initiatives “unduly restrict constitutional rights and freedoms”, and also contradict Russia's international legal obligations within the framework of the Council of Europe, the UN and the OSCE.

“In this regard, we ask you to immediately respond to these new serious threats to human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Russia”, the authors of the appeal indicate.

The document was signed by the head of the Public Verdict Foundation Natalya Taubina, President of the Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights Yuri Dzhibladze, Board Member of the Memorial Human Rights Center, Board Member of the International Memorial Society Oleg Orlov (the organization is recognized as a foreign agent - ed.), Chairman Committee "Civic Assistance" Svetlana Gannushkina, as well as executive director of the Moscow Helsinki Group Svetlana Astrakhantseva. Recall that in early December, the State Duma considered a bill on the status of foreign agents. The Public Chamber of Russia also analyzed the experience of regulating the activities of foreign agents abroad and published its own expertise of the draft law.

Earlier, we note, the US State Department indicated that the Russian side did not correctly interpret the American Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). They noted that the law "does not restrict the publication of materials, but only requires registration" and mentioning that this is done on behalf of a foreign party.
