Posted 26 января 2021,, 14:02

Published 26 января 2021,, 14:02

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"They want to live in different way!" Why schoolchildren in the province are unhappy with the authorities

"They want to live in different way!" Why schoolchildren in the province are unhappy with the authorities

26 января 2021, 14:02
Youth policy in Russia does not stand up to criticism, forcing young men and women to seek justice in the squares.

A year and a half ago, the Kemerovo activist Andrey German told in his blog an amazing story of how the native Russian state demanded tribute from his daughter, whom the German government paid for summer German language courses:

“The state has sat down on my daughter's tail. Requires tribute. I once said that my underage daughter took first place in the All-Russian Olympiad, which is held by a German foundation. And as a reward, she spent the summer in Germany in a camp, studying German on the island of Sylt, then in the fall for another week in Moscow - the official award. And all this was at the expense of the German government. But the homeland could not miss such happiness. She calculated how much the minor girl "got rich" (here, however, she could not estimate the entire amount of "enrichment") and gave birth to the homeland the amount of tax to pay. One state paid for the knowledge of a minor, and another state decided to take a tax from this payment. That's right, let the daughter not relax and know in what state she lives..."


German remembered this story today, asking himself the question: why Russian schoolchildren are so actively involved in protest actions:

“The conversation that we, the uncles in suits and offices are good, and these traitors are empty. We know that children do not remember words, but actions and they learn from examples. What examples do they see?

Any youth policy in a country, region or city begins with a boss, a good office, an official car and other attributes of a successful bureaucratic life. Young people themselves are often just photographs in reports. Who of the guys is more cunning, he tries to settle in this system. Who is simpler to send or does not participate at all, because all this does not find a response from them.

My daughter cooperates with a German center and the approach there is completely different. There are no offices, no bosses, but there is open communication. Coming here to work from Germany, the fund's employees are no different from our guys, there is no barrier between them, but there is support. They help to learn the language, hold events, and hold rallies with the children 1-2 times a year in different cities of the country or in Germany. My daughter also went from them to Germany and everything is free.

And what about our state? I have already told you when the tax office presents bills to a minor girl for free trips. See how many people reacted to this. This is probably no coincidence.

For how many years I have been calling on officials and deputies to make school lunches free, to make travel for schoolchildren in public transport free, and I hear that "children will cost". There are parents and let them provide. For those who have low-income parents, we will provide “targeted assistance”. So it's not for adults, not for parents, but for children. Why should a child at school for the whole class hear: Ivanov, brought a certificate that the family is poor? With this attitude, what do you want? With such an attitude, does the information like someone on yachts not find a response from a student?

Maybe the state has no money and it costs a lot? No, I have cited many times the calculations for the city of Kemerovo, free travel for schoolchildren no more than 50 million a year with the city's budget of 20 billion. The question is not about money, but only about priorities. I also met with our officials and deputies and the president's representative for the protection of children in the Kemerovo region. Everyone told me that all this is nonsense.

For four years since 2014, I have raised the issue of land for large families. Again, I met with anyone and explained to me again that there was no land in Siberia for large families.

How much does it cost to study, how much does higher education cost? Do you think children do not hear the conversations of their parents, and then do not discuss among themselves? What is the tax deduction for teaching children? To refund 6500 rubles of income tax from 50,000 rubles. Tuition costs hundreds of thousands a year. And again, all this is happening against the background of the blatant luxury of certain groups and the obvious disrespect of ordinary people. The Internet is littered with these examples.

We all know that young people are particularly sensitive to injustice. If the parents talk at home and go to work in the morning, then the young people are looking for another life, another alternative.

So what should you do? Continue to say that the traitors have confused the schoolchildren or change something in this kingdom?"


This post has generated a lot of interested responses, including the following:

“Three years ago I met Yulia from Barnaul on the Cologne-Dusseldorf train. She received her second higher education at the University of Dusseldorf. Since 2016, higher education in Germany is free, even for non-citizens. There are a lot of benefits for students, the girl has traveled all over the country in 2 years of study, and usually spends her holidays in Italy or the Czech Republic.

Two firms have already offered her a job after graduation, advising her to take a law course in basic economics.

In Barnaul, after the economics department, Yulia was able to find a job as a shoe seller.

Naturally, he will not return to Russia. Because I saw "how to live correctly"..."