Posted 3 февраля 2021, 07:59

Published 3 февраля 2021, 07:59

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The Pentagon announced a possible nuclear war with Russia

3 февраля 2021, 07:59
The head of the US Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, has publicly announced the likelihood of a nuclear war with Russia or China. He published an article on the possibility of starting a war with the use of nuclear weapons in the official publication of the US Naval Institute.

In the admiral's opinion, after the fall of the USSR, the Pentagon did not seriously consider the possibility of a war with a state with nuclear weapons. But now everything looks different.

“There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could quickly escalate into a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, if, in their opinion, in the event of a defeat with the use of conventional weapons, there would be a threat to the political system or the state”, - RIA Novosti quotes the statement Richard.

According to the admiral, the policy of China and Russia has become extremely aggressive. It challenges international norms, and Washington cannot but respond to this challenge. Russia is rapidly developing new weapons, modernizing its nuclear potential and command posts, and building up its strategic capabilities.

“This modernization is already 70% complete and will be completed in a few years”, - the admiral said. According to him, the rapid growth of Russia's nuclear potential "challenges" world stability. The American military is especially worried about the maneuvers of the Russian military near the locations of the American armed forces.

“All these actions demonstrate Russia's desire for aggressive competition and ignoring international norms”, - concluded Richard.

According to him, the current situation testifies to the fact that a regional crisis in Russia or China may well develop into a nuclear conflict, and the US armed forces should be prepared for this opportunity, which until recently seemed incredible. In such circumstances, Richard proposes to direct national resources in such a way that they could "ensure strategic security".
