Posted 4 февраля 2021, 15:26

Published 4 февраля 2021, 15:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

15 days for the question "is the metro opened?": How the employee of the children's hospice was detained and tried

15 days for the question "is the metro opened?": How the employee of the children's hospice was detained and tried

4 февраля 2021, 15:26
Ivan Petryakov, an employee of the House with a Mayak children's hospice, told reporters the circumstances of his arrest and sentencing

Two days ago, Novye Izvestia published an alarming post by the director of the children's hospice “House with a lighthouse” Lida Moniava about how her employee left after a shift and ended up in a paddy wagon. Journalists from the online publication "Takie Dela" were able to record his story about this from the paddy wagon on the way to the detention center:

“On February 2, I worked a shift in the hospice on Dolgorukovskaya, 30. The usual work shift, from 8:30 to 20:30. As always, I stayed late at work after that, because I wash my clothes, drink tea and try to switch somehow. Then I went on foot in the direction of Teatralnaya - I studied there, these are places that I know well, they all started. On the way I did not meet a single protester, not a single person with a poster. There were a lot of police, reinforcements, riot police. I was just walking, then I saw a musician playing a saw - he is some kind of super-famous. And it was like this: a musician is playing, I listen to him, and five minutes later I'm already sitting in a paddy wagon.

I went to the riot police to ask if the metro station was open or closed. They did not answer me and, without introducing themselves, asked for my documents. I presented it. Then they made me show my phone and a photo gallery. For me, this is not confidential information, I began flipping through the photographic tape. Then one - apparently the junior in rank - turned to the senior: "What are we doing with him?" And they took me to the paddy wagon. Actually, that's all. It was around midnight, the protocol reads 00:05, from that moment my term of imprisonment begins.

We were brought to the police station, put in the assembly hall, we sat there all night, ten hours, we were not fed. Then they began to bring in the protocols of detention, it was written in mine that I, surrounded by five hundred people, chanted the slogans: “Putin is a thief,” “Russia will be free,” “We are in power here” - that is exactly what it was written, in caps. It was also written that with loud screams I attracted the attention of people and the press and ignored the police warnings that an unauthorized rally was taking place and that it was necessary to leave this place. And many other things that were not there.

In the afternoon there was a trial, I did not admit my guilt, I said that I had not participated in the rally, but the court decision said that the evidence base of the internal affairs bodies was extensive, and I was convicted, like everyone who was sitting with me in the paddy wagon. Someone was given 10 days, someone 15, me 15.

Back in the paddy wagon, when they found out that I was working in a children's hospice, people had some kind of inspiration, a wave of joy. And the detainees had absolutely nothing, for some reason they even wrote in the protocol that the place of work had not been established, I corrected it with my own hand.

Before that, I had no arrests, administrative drives. I did not go to rallies.

How do I feel now? I am absolutely calm. I'm a sworn man. And I'm not afraid to be locked up and behind barbed wire. I am in my home country, in my home land.

I know that the whole children's hospice team supports me, I am very grateful to them and hug them tightly. I also hug my whole family - mom, dad, grandmother, my beloved aunts and brother - and I love them very much..."
