Posted 4 февраля 2021, 06:34
Published 4 февраля 2021, 06:34
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
He also pointed out that covid is not terrible for those who have recently had a viral infection or have local immunity.
The expert explained that antibodies are a marker showing that the body has met with the causative agent of the disease. Some people are not susceptible to diseases, for example, to HIV.
- With coronavirus infection, there are much more such people. To unambiguously conclude why they are immune is still at the stage of scientific discussion, - quotes RIA Novosti the words of the professor.
Voznesensky noted that the reason for this immunity may be a postponed episode of the disease caused by other coronaviruses, that is, the presence of cross-immunity. Another assumption is related to the fact that before the meeting with the coronavirus, a person had already suffered some kind of viral infection, and after that the level of his interferons rose. If there are a lot of them, then the susceptibility to viruses decreases. Another version speaks of the probable existence of local elements of immunity, immune complexes that prevent the penetration of the virus at the level of the respiratory tract mucosa. However, which mechanism works is a subject of scientific discussion, the expert concluded.
It's worth reminding that scientists from the United States have discovered immune cells capable of killing coronavirus. Experts also explained that those people who have not yet contracted a dangerous disease, these cells in the body can appear only after vaccination.