Posted 4 февраля 2021,, 07:54

Published 4 февраля 2021,, 07:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

In Kostroma, a pensioner of the FSIN handed over his medals and threw out his uniform after the trial over Navalny

4 февраля 2021, 07:54
In Kostroma, a retired FSIN (the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment) pensioner, retired lieutenant colonel Dmitry Leonov, threw his ceremonial service tunic into the trash heap and handed over all his awards to the department in protest against the trial of opposition politician Alexey Navalny.

As Dmitry Leonov said on his Facebook page, he was forced to take an extreme step by the results of the trial over Navalny on February 2.

“After yesterday's "justice" over Alexey Navalny, it was physically and mentally bad. Trying to find the strength to cope with such a state, I thought about how to behave further. I cannot put up with such a situation, I don’t know how to change it”, - Leonov explained.

He added that when scrolling through the reports about the trial of Navalny on the Internet, he constantly “clung to his gaze” at the familiar abbreviation FSIN.

“Exactly, I'm a retired lieutenant colonel of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia! How did this department behave in the case of Alexey Navalny? Beastly! Disgusting! Vile! Therefore, from the morning of 02/03/2021 to 8.00 (the morning is wiser than the evening), I arrived at the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Kostroma Region and handed over the departmental medals and badges given to me during my service along with documents to the personnel department”, - said Dmitry Leonov.

Lieutenant Colonel Leonov took his departmental uniform, the right to wear which he retained after retiring, to the trash heap.

“And to be consistent to the end, I transferred the rest of my pension to FBK*”, - Kostroma resident said.

He explained that he could not indicate to FBK the recipient of his seniority pension, so that it would be transferred to FBK directly. In this regard, he decided to continue to receive it, and then transfer it to the Alexei Navalny Foundation for Combating Corruption.

“Let the state help FBK through me as an intermediary”, - summed up Dmitry Leonov.

The situation with the arrest of politician Alexey Navalny caused a violent reaction in Russia and abroad. On January 17, Navalny, who was undergoing treatment in Germany after being poisoned with a Novichok-type combat poison, returned to Moscow, where he was immediately detained and placed under arrest. On February 2, the Simonovsky court sent him to jail for 3.5 years in the Yves Rocher case, the initiation of which was recognized by the ECHR as politically motivated.

* In 2019, the Ministry of Justice of Russia included the non-profit organization Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) of Alexey Navalny in the register of non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent.