Posted 5 февраля 2021,, 08:25

Published 5 февраля 2021,, 08:25

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Expert: in Dyatlov's tour group there could be a conflict with stabbing

Expert: in Dyatlov's tour group there could be a conflict with stabbing

5 февраля 2021, 08:25
Analysis of the travel diaries of the Dyatlovites allows us to conclude that a conflict was brewing in the tourist group because of the girl

Andrey Zlobin, mathematician, candidate of technical sciences

Swiss authors recently tried to substantiate the version of an avalanche in the case of Igor Dyatlov's tour group, which went on a sports ski trip. The evidence from the Swiss is not only inconclusive, it directly contradicts the facts, including well-known photographic documents. For example, there is a photograph of a tent discovered by search engines - in the photo, skis, ski poles, vertically stuck in the snow, a stand at the entrance, and some snow from above are clearly visible. The snow does not even cover the tent completely, the entrance is clearly visible.

What kind of avalanche can we talk about ?! If an avalanche was the cause of the tragedy and injuries of tourists, then the skis, ski poles, and the pole of the tent would inevitably be knocked down, and the uniform load from the slipped snow would injure all participants of the hike equally. In reality, the picture is completely opposite. Let's try to consider only those facts that are difficult to refute, and a completely different reason for the tragic incident will open before us. This is the most unpopular, most unpleasant, but also the most probable version, which has been hinted at by various authors more than once.

During my work as a senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK), I happened to be engaged in analytical research related to sports psychology. Including I studied a number of situations related to psychological problems, discomfort, conflicts in sports teams. There is a corresponding scientific publication in the journal "Sports Science Bulletin", which describes the research methodology and applied advanced information technologies. Using the same techniques as applied to the group of Igor Dyatlov, I identified a group of facts that can become the key to establishing the root cause of the tragedy.

Igor Dyatlov was an experienced tourist - he and his comrades traveled many times and always returned safely. What has changed dramatically in the ill-fated last campaign, if it ended with the death of nine people? A new member appeared in Dyatlov's group, no one had known before, who stood out strongly against the background of young people. He was much older and undoubtedly had great physical advantages over the whole tour group. He graduated from the Institute of Physical Education, fought and, judging by his track record, had special combat training. I myself have been involved in martial arts for six years and I know how dangerous the techniques or strikes of a trained athlete can be. In combat performance, severe injuries can be inflicted not only with hands, but also with kicks to the head.

The list of injuries received by tourists reveals a pattern - a noticeable number of them are located on the right side of the body or head. If we assume that these injuries were inflicted by a left-hander and he is a professionally trained athlete, then a lot falls into place. In the hiking photographs of the Dyatlovites, the graduate of the Institute of Physical Education, the habits of the left-hander are really distinguished, in particular the right-sided stance. Photocopies of this person's handwriting samples have been published. Again, you can see the spelling signs characteristic of a left-hander. Words and lines on handwritten pages seem to tend to deviate to the right and upward from the horizontal line, which occurs even if there is a ruler. This is explained by the fact that the left-hander obstructs what is written with his left hand and all the time instinctively moves the writing hand away from him in order to increase the view. The left-handed handwriting can certainly be confirmed or refuted by a handwriting examination.

There is an indisputable fact - the tent is cut, and there is a large cut and several short ones, as if they were swinging a knife in the tent. Is it any wonder that tourists jumped out of the tent "who was in what" and without shoes? It is important to understand the main thing: when the tragic situation began to develop in an unpredictable way, one of the tourists had a knife in his hands. At the same time, the forensic expert recorded injuries on the hands of two people, similar to cuts, as if they were trying to defend themselves with their hands from the waves of a sharp blade.

Having carefully analyzed the travel diaries of the Dyatlovites, you come to the conclusion that a conflict was brewing in the tour group. In the soul of one of the girls, spring did not wake up quite on time and, noticing this, the opposite sex began to show signs of jealousy towards each other. Extreme clarity is brought about by the release of a camping wall newspaper, found in a tent, where a call for "increasing tourist birth rate" was written in black and white.

I in no way presume to assert which of the tourists was right and who was wrong. The details of the personal life of the Dyatlovites may turn out to be too slippery a topic that requires tact. But the tourist birth rate plans might not suit everyone. Isn't that why a cut-like injury was found on the girl's right arm? In the cramped tent, this could mean, perhaps, one thing - the injured person was holding a knife in his left hand. Lefty...

I don’t think it is worth going into further details. The reason for the death of Dyatlov's tour group is domestic and such cases are innumerable. A brutal fight "not for life, but for death" over a beloved girl - isn't this a classic of tragedies from the beginning of all times? The events that followed the fight are explained by attempts to survive in the winter cold, and there is nothing mysterious about them either. Fight for life. Sharing the grief for the dead tourists, I want to keep silent further. No one will ever solve the great mystery of love and that madness to which it can push even the most reasonable and worthy people.