Deputies spit upon academicians: the law on education will be adopted without amendments

Deputies spit upon academicians: the law on education will be adopted without amendments

18 февраля 2021, 15:50
Even after harsh criticism from the scientific community, the scandalous law on educational activities has not undergone significant changes.

Sad news came from the State Duma about the scandalous bill on educational activities. The one who, in order to "fight foreign interference", proposes to coordinate with the authorities any educational activity (it can be anything at all) and to obtain government permission for international cooperation.

Despite criticism from the educational and scientific community, despite a wide public campaign, despite the fact that the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences unanimously opposed it, the profile committee did not make significant amendments to it by the second reading of the bill, writes Kommersant. The deputies again explained their position by the need to "counteract Western states to interfere in our internal affairs". This caused bewilderment of opponents, who objected that, thus, "Russia's opponents are engaged in enlightenment, and supporters should strangle it". Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Khokhlov was indignant that no one "even thought to discuss the text of the bill with the Academy of Sciences", while the matter concerns its statutory activities. However, the State Duma is confident that it is necessary first to take the initiative, and then decide what exactly to do with educational organizations.

Moreover, the deputies, in particular, Vyacheslav Nikonov, boorishly answer the scientists that they allegedly did not even read the text of the bill, although, of course, it was studied to the last comma.

It's worth reminding that the law, which will now be adopted in the same form recommended by the profile committee, introduces the concept of "educational activity" - and this is any activity outside the framework of educational programs aimed at disseminating knowledge, skills, skills, etc. It is assumed that educational activities will be allowed to be engaged only in agreement with the authorities.

Journalist Dmitry Kolezev wrote about this:

“All this can be explained, of course, by the struggle against anti-Russian forces that are hiding under every desk, in every school toilet. Quote from the explanatory note:

“The lack of appropriate legal regulation creates the preconditions for the uncontrolled implementation of a wide range of propaganda activities by anti-Russian forces in the school and student environment under the guise of educational activities, including those supported from abroad and aimed at discrediting the state policy pursued in the Russian Federation, revising history, undermining the constitutional building".

The bill also obliges educational organizations to obtain government permission for any international cooperation - from inviting foreign teachers to conducting joint scientific research.

It is understood that the bill is aimed at schools and universities, although theoretically, based on its wording, it is possible to close any courses, prohibit tutors and webinars. Where is your government approval for the vegan cake baking workshop? This is also a “skill-building activity”!

Well, okay, the cakes (probably) will not be touched, I exaggerate this. But any educational events in history (especially World War II), political science, sociology, economics - will be under close scrutiny.

And for universities, schools and kindergartens, this will surely turn into trivial problems when interacting with foreign teachers. Moreover, we are talking not only about the British or Americans, but also about Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs...

Imagine: in order to invite a native speaker to school, you will have to get an additional piece of paper in some regional Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education officials will be obliged to obtain an FSB visa: is this teacher a CIA agent? And the FSB will ask for the SVR ... In short, as a result, in some cases it will be easier not to invite a native speaker to work. Children can manage without him somehow. London from the Capital of Great Britain.

And they will pay off in universities. Russian universities already have problems with international cooperation, and now they still have to prove the reliability of joint research, the validity of inviting teachers and exchanging literature.

As a result, we will get a decrease in the quality of education and new persecution of “inconvenient” teachers. They have already been fired from universities for a long time.

But the constitutional order will be safe. Sleep well..."
