Posted 25 февраля 2021, 14:29

Published 25 февраля 2021, 14:29

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Real inflation exceeded the official one by four times

Real inflation exceeded the official one by four times

25 февраля 2021, 14:29
Rosstat has recorded a record inflation in five years, but the figure may be even higher if we evaluate the rate of price growth not by the conventional “consumer basket”, but by those goods that Russians actually purchase.

According to Romir's data, the price index for everyday goods purchased by citizens in January increased 4.2 times faster than the official inflation. The list of products includes food, drinks, detergents, personal care products, cosmetics, clothing and medicines.

During the month, prices for FMCG goods rose by 3%, although Rosstat estimated consumer inflation at only 0.67% per month. Romir recorded double-digit inflation in annual terms - at 11%, while the official figure is 5.19%.

If we compare the basket of goods of the sample of 2019 with those goods that are actually bought by citizens, then the new "real" basket has risen in price by 18%.

According to the executive director of "Romir" Inna Karaeva, the January rise in inflation is not typical. This phenomenon may be related to shifted seasonality.

“More people did not go on vacation and stayed for the New Year holidays in their cities, where they spent more money,” the expert said.

The food market is becoming the epicenter of inflation. By February 15, the growth of the consumer price index since the beginning of 2021 reached 1.1%, in annual terms - 5.4%, which was a record since 2016.

Traditionally, vegetables become more expensive in winter, but now the rise in prices has overcome the seasonal limits. Potatoes, for example, became more expensive by 12.2% compared to last year, cucumbers - by 17.5%, and tomatoes - by almost 20%.

The rise in prices for chicken accelerated - plus 1.4% per week, 4.2% yoy. Eggs also showed acceleration in price growth - plus 0.9% and 1.2%, respectively.

Now experts are waiting for the next inflationary step, which will affect imports. The prices for those goods that are brought by rail and sea will rise. Analysts explain that this is due to an increase in the cost of container shipping.

It's worth reminding that Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the rapid rise in food prices. After that, the head of state ordered to freeze prices. On December 16, a corresponding agreement was signed between the largest agricultural producers, federal networks, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. At the same time, the majority of Russians - about 70% - did not notice this "freeze".
