Posted 1 марта 2021, 04:07

Published 1 марта 2021, 04:07

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Media: Alexey Navalny was taken to the "red" colony near Vladimir

1 марта 2021, 04:07
Oppositionist Alexey Navalny, convicted in the Yves Rocher case, was taken to the correctional colony no. 2 in Pokrov, Vladimir region, to complete his sentence.

At the same time, as reported by TASS, this information has spread among the convicts. Later, Navalny's lawyers will be able to confirm or deny it when they are allowed to see him.

“An ordinary construction colony, no different from others. There is no bad name. Complaints there comes no more than other institutions", - he told the "Podyom", a member of the Public Oversight Commission of the Vladimir region, Mikhail Veshkin.

Activist Konstantin Kotov, who was in IK-2 of Pokrova, noted that she was "red". The administration of the colony fully controls the prisoners and punishes any offense.

It's worth reminding that on January 17, Navalny returned from Germany, where he was receiving treatment, and was immediately detained at the Sheremetyevo airport. On February 2, the Simonovskiy District Court replaced his suspended sentence in the Yves Rocher case with a real one at the request of the FSIN. They decided that Navalny had violated the conditions of the probationary period, since he had not been noted in the inspection during his treatment abroad. Taking into account the house arrest, Navalny will spend 2.5 years in the colony.

Earlier, the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Alexander Kalashnikov, guaranteed Navalny "normal conditions in the colony". “The regime, supervision and control will be provided to him one hundred percent. Navalny, if he wishes, will be involved in production activities”, - he said.