Two-thirds of Russians believe that the coronavirus was created artificially

Two-thirds of Russians believe that the coronavirus was created artificially

1 марта 2021, 19:52
Two-thirds of Russians believe that the coronavirus was artificially created as a biological weapon. This was stated by 64% of the participants in the survey conducted by the Levada Center (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation - editor's note)

Almost a quarter of the respondents believe that this virus appeared naturally - humans have nothing to do with its creation, the results of the study show.

Less than half of survey participants are afraid of contracting coronavirus today. This was stated by only 43% of respondents. Whereas in the fall of last year, the number of those who feared this disease was 21 percentage points higher.

The number of those who are ready to get vaccinated against coronavirus today turned out to be less than last fall. Now only 30% of survey participants say they are ready to be vaccinated against coronavirus, while back in October there were 38% of those wishing to be vaccinated. It is noteworthy that young people are the most skeptical about vaccination . Among Russians under 24, only 19% of respondents are ready to be vaccinated, while among survey participants over 55 years old, 40% would decide to vaccinate.

Most of all, Russians are afraid of side effects after vaccination. This reason was chosen as the main one by 37% of the survey participants. Another 23% believe that it is necessary to wait until the end of the test before being vaccinated. The remaining 16% do not see any sense in it at all.

Recall that mass vaccination started in Russia in mid-January. To get vaccinated, you need to make an appointment with a doctor on the State Services portal.
