Posted 3 марта 2021, 10:06

Published 3 марта 2021, 10:06

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Scammers started sending phishing emails under the guise of payments from State services

Scammers started sending phishing emails under the guise of payments from State services

3 марта 2021, 10:06
Another scheme for deceiving Russians was invented by scammers. Now they receive information about the bank card of the Internet user, disguised as the Gosuslugi (State Services) website. Attackers send by e-mail a letter, the content of which looks like a message from the State Services.

In it, they offer the recipient to enter the SNILS number, ostensibly to receive social benefits.

The letter contained elements typical for the information messages of the State Services website, RIA Novosti points out. We are talking about the logo at the beginning and end of the letter, as well as a font similar to the company one. The text of the letter said that the recipient was entitled to social compensation, and in order to arrange them, it was necessary to go to your personal account and contact "the leading lawyer L.V. Goncharova". For identification in the personal account, the scammers requested the SNILS number. However, the sender's address had nothing to do with Gosuslugi (State Services): [email protected].

When the user followed the link, he was taken to a window in which he had to enter the bank card number, which had to be entered supposedly to transfer money.

In fact, this is far from a new way of deceiving citizens - the so-called phishing sites and mailing lists have been operating for a long time. Attackers simply adjust to the current situation and "hook" the victims, offering them the actual "bait". And since during the coronavirus pandemic, the state announced a number of social benefits for Russians, the scammers considered this an excellent field for illegal activities.

Roskachestvo earlier warned that criminals have already mastered the topic of “covid passports” that have not yet been introduced and are convincing citizens to purchase them for several thousand rubles, fueling demand by the fact that later, supposedly, such a document will cost more.