Abnormal frosts will come to the European part of the country

Abnormal frosts will come to the European part of the country

9 марта 2021, 10:01
This week, the most serious cold anomalies await residents of the European part of Russia, the Urals and the Volga region, said Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center.

"Starting tomorrow, an anticyclonic regime is established over most of European Russia... The pressure is increasing sharply and the weather will be really, surprisingly, winter and anticyclonic. Winter will say goodbye so majestically to the center of European Russia. Indeed, it will leave with dignity. Frosts that will be remembered", - quotes RIA Novosti the words of the meteorologist.

Already tomorrow, on Wednesday, Muscovites are expected to get cold up to minus 16 degrees, and in the region the temperature will reach minus 19 degrees.

"During the day, the maximum values are minus 10 degrees. In the future, frost will intensify. Night temperatures range from minus 19 to minus 21 degrees... in the region up to minus 24 degrees, and in low places up to minus 25... minus 28 degrees. On the night of March 10 and 11. Daytime temperatures will continue to be around minus 10 degrees. Such a temperature background is 11-13 degrees below normal", - warned Roman Vilfand.

The same weather will be in other regions of the center of the European part of the country.

The expert noted that the lowest temperatures will be in the Central and Volga Federal Districts, as well as in the Ural Federal Districts. There, it is possible to almost minus 30 degrees.

"Temperature background minus 24 degrees. In the Perm Territory up to minus 28 degrees, even in the Ulyanovsk region up to minus 29 degrees. Real winter with temperature deviations of 10-12 degrees. And even in some regions, in the Trans-Volga region and the Urals, it is 15-16 degrees below the norm”, - said the scientific head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

A deviation about the norm and the Chernozem region is expected by 5-6 degrees.

In the Northwestern Federal District, on Wednesday-Thursday, the thermometer can fluctuate from minus 7 to minus 12 degrees. And only in the Kaliningrad region it will be warm enough - about zero in the daytime.

Let's remind that the abnormal cold weather was promised by forecasters from last Friday. Muscovites, for example, were predicted minus 21. Experts warned about the changeable March weather.

At the same time, we note that experts say that the cold seems abnormal to us against the background of previous warm winters.
