Dementia or Frustration? The network discusses new "patriotic" poems by Junna Moritz

Dementia or Frustration? The network discusses new "patriotic" poems by Junna Moritz

10 марта 2021, 15:38
The publicistic poems of the famous poetess evoke either indignation or a feeling of pity in the so-called liberal public.

Russian media published a new patriotic masterpiece written by the 83-year-old poet Yunna Moritz, and immediately a discussion about this kind of poetry and its author arose again on social networks.

Suffering that is sacred

The technique is very simple:

All that is sacred to us

Must be spoiled by a Russophobic flock!..

And for showing to everyone

They perform just

Such an order, flourishing

Not somewhere, but here and now!

Shrines, sacred dates,

The sacred meanings of the country

Suffering that is sacred

First you have to spoil with

Russophobic shit heaps!

Is there anything better than

Such a talent, intelligence,

That is sure that it is simple -

Ditch the country where the scab is

A simple build-up of shit!

The technique is very simple:

The sacred meanings of the country

That are covered with a scab of shit,

Shit of the Russophobic punks, -

Shame - here and now! -

For us!.. And no one but us

Has such a stock of

Sacred spirit and strength -

Cleanse the shrines of Russia

From the evil spirits!.. Is it for the first time?..

I am rich in this experience,

With suffering that is sacred

Cleansing with a sacred wave

Shrine of the earthly Fatherland!

Usually, the "heroes" of the publicistic poetry of Junna Moritz, the so-called liberals, attribute the poetess's invectives to them due to her progressive dementia. However, political scientist Alexei Makarkin did not agree with this point of view:

“I think she doesn't have any dementia - so the discussion of the topic is quite ethical. Moreover, the topic is socially significant and difficult, far beyond the fate of a particular person.

Her political poetry, which has been going on for more than twenty years, seems to me a kind of simplification - when an intellectual in the century before last suddenly felt his guilt before the people and wanted to actively repent. Only then was the fault in a privileged position in a peasant country with illiteracy and poverty. And here - in the loss of a powerful state, which was collected by ancestors for centuries. And in the awareness of the fact that it was you with your intellect that did not protect, did not save, but, on the contrary, pushed in something.

This type of people is not so rare. Russian liberals and Westerners, who eagerly sang about missiles and the Yenisei, condemned Stalin and applauded the demolition of Iron Felix, proceeded from the assumption that the fall of the USSR was not bad. Because the red project that has come to a standstill must give way to a new, conditionally white, based on integration into the civilized world (remember this once fashionable phrase) during the transformation of the Union into something like a confederation of democracies, in which Russia is historically, economically, politically, culturally and whatever just meant to dominate. Soft and kind, civilized and humane.

And when it turned out that disintegration was serious, no one in the West was going to recognize any spheres of influence for Russia, and the elites of the new states felt themselves to be the legitimate ruling class in their countries independent of Moscow, then these people had a breakdown based on the strongest disappointment. ... The very formulation "civilized world" began to arouse sharp rejection among them. America from the land of dreams has become an object of hatred. On the other hand, the missiles with the blocked Yenisei retroactively gained value in themselves, turned into attributes of the lost Belle Époque. Protective arguments, which were previously brushed aside - do not rock the boat, do not touch the country, or it will fall apart - began to be perceived as wisdom that was not appreciated in time.

And people began to feel lost in the vastness of historical Russia, which previous generations had collected and wasted. Lost, they began to change. The subtle esthete speaks sincerely about fascism coming to us from the near abroad. The bright intellectual glorifies Stalin in cliche. An expert who despised agitprop reproduces its worst examples. The ironic satirist becomes a misanthrope. The poet writes agitation.

Moreover, such a simplification, which marks a break with previous ideals, not only happens unselfishly, but can even harm careers (Yunna Moritz does not count), since even very illiberal colleagues look at such simplified neophytes with considerable bewilderment, turning into irritation. And they see the thinning, and then the disappearance of talent, which, as it turned out, is incompatible with simplification and was associated with a past life. The one with the hedgehog that went to the puppy's birthday.

How to treat such people? For me, they will never be on a par with the anti-Semites, mocking the St. Petersburg angel, and with the Nazis, who today threw a hysteria about the delegation of Manizhi to Eurovision. There is a lot of sadness and memories of the past - there is not even that.

PS Of course, any similarity of characters (except for Yunna Moritz) with real faces is purely accidental..."


However, as expected, not everyone agreed with this opinion. Here are just a couple of responses to Makarkin's post:

- Do not be such people never liberals and Westerners. They were like shovels - Imperials - and stayed.

And in a certain sense they are worse and more dangerous than anti-Semites and Natsiks. For taking care of the "purity of the Russian people" to channel their energies within the country and the Imperials - outside, neighbors, and to the whole world. And that means - they are dangerous, they are a destructive charge, able to turn into a world war, and even nuclear.

Yes, Moritz has exactly a dementia.

Well, or the name of a situation where one whose limit of competence - poems about the rubber hedgehog, begins to talk about things "cosmic scale and space stupidity"?

- I forgot an important factor seems to be. Moritz among the naive and not too smart aunts who brainwashed by Putin's television. Because of this, I think that she did dementia, but it is not senile, - Putinism strikingly makes you stupid people, regardless of their age. And in addition to its effect to that of the factors mentioned by the above author of the post. But the smart ones will not buy into these deceptions of their former greatness , only those who are strikingly stupid and divorced like suckers.
