Posted 15 марта 2021,, 16:37

Published 15 марта 2021,, 16:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

A quarter of fired Russians have enough money only for a week

A quarter of fired Russians have enough money only for a week

15 марта 2021, 16:37
Every fourth Russian (23%) of job seekers is convinced that the money they have accumulated in their previous job will be enough for less than a week.

These are the results of a survey by the research service of the online recruiting platform HeadHunter. According to experts, every fifth (20%) will have enough money for two weeks, every sixth (15%) - for a month and a half.

“Most of the respondents answered that they could spend less than a week looking for a new job”, - RBC reports.

The share of those who have enough savings for three months of searching is 11%. About 4% of Russians believe that they can afford to look for a job for about six months. And only 3% can afford to take their time and not take up the first offer they come across, since they are convinced that due to lack of work they will not have financial difficulties.

Among those who are already looking for a job, 39% faced serious financial problems. About 44% of the respondents admitted that they are coping so far. And only for 10% of the financial difficulties during the period of job search were almost imperceptible.

To feel safe after losing their job, 56% were helped by their personal savings, 36% - the support of their relatives, 22% - the "golden parachute" from the employer upon dismissal. Among those who found themselves in a financial hole upon dismissal and had to go into debt, 23% borrowed from their parents, 16% - from friends and family, 11% applied for a bank loan. Avoid loans "for life" during the period of forced unemployment were able to 59% of participants in an online survey, which was attended by 5.5 thousand Russians.

Earlier it was reported that during the pandemic, 10% of Russians lost all their savings, almost 40% of people did not have any financial - so-called - "safety cushion".

In the Moscow region, the pandemic led to a sixfold increase in unemployment, in Novosibirsk this figure increased 10 times, in the Crimea - nine, in Moscow - 12.

In the country as a whole, the number of employed Russians in 2020 fell to 70.77 million people, which was below the minimum in 2011, when the previous lowest figure was set. Until the beginning of the pandemic in the country kovidah work was at 72.4 million people.