Posted 15 марта 2021, 06:51

Published 15 марта 2021, 06:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Almost 30 thousand people in the Irkutsk region left without electricity

15 марта 2021, 06:51
Irkutsk region
In 43 settlements of the Irkutsk region, due to strong winds and blizzards, more than seven thousand residential buildings were left without electricity.

"As of 11:40 am (06:40 Moscow time), 43 settlements in 14 districts remain disconnected: 7,071 residential buildings in which 28,512 people live, 31 social facilities", - reported in the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Earlier, the department clarified that the power supply was turned off in 78 settlements for security reasons.

Forecasters predict wind gusts up to 20 meters per second, and in some places up to 27 meters per second. In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Irkutsk Region, there is an operational headquarters. Rescuers strongly recommend that citizens, if possible, stay at home, and also not use the ice crossing to Olkhon Island.

All Shrovetide festivities in Irkutsk have been canceled.

"Under such weather conditions, it is unsafe to carry out holiday fun, erect a pole, mount and burn a scarecrow. There will also be no festive trade and concerts", - said the deputy mayor, head of the committee on social policy and culture of the administration, Vitaly Baryshnikov.

It's worth reminding that on March 12 in Dagestan over one hundred thousand people were left without electricity due to bad weather.
