Posted 15 марта 2021, 14:11

Published 15 марта 2021, 14:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The editorial office of Novaya Gazeta became the target of a chemical attack

The editorial office of Novaya Gazeta became the target of a chemical attack

15 марта 2021, 14:11
In Moscow, the building on Potapovsky Lane, where the editorial office of "Novaya Gazeta" is located, became the target of a chemical attack. This is reported by the representatives of the editorial itself. A pungent, chemical smell is felt in the offices.

Other tenants of the office building also note the unpleasant smell in the room. Its source is still unknown. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and the FSB work on the spot. None of the journalists were hurt, the newspaper writes.

We need to remind you that earlier in the morning, "Novaya Gazeta" published two high-profile materials about the mercenaries of the private military company "Wagner", who, without the trial or investigation staged the execution of the Syrian Mohammed E., and about torture in Chechnya in January 2017, when 27 detainees were shot during еру special operations after the attack on the police on the territory of the PPS regiment named after Akhmat Kadyrov.

This is not the first time that "Novaya Gazeta" has been attacked. In April 2017, the editorial office received a letter with an unknown white powder inside and congratulations on Easter, and in July of the same year, the journalist's house and car were sprayed with caustic gas, similar in smell to the one that is felt today in the editorial office. In October 2018, a severed sheep's head with a threatening note appeared on the doorstep of the editorial office. A few days later there was a new "present" at the entrance - cages with sheep in vests with the inscription "Press".