Question of the day: how to stop parental "control" over the morality of teachers?

Question of the day: how to stop parental "control" over the morality of teachers?

16 марта 2021, 19:37
Parents of Russian schoolchildren with their unfounded claims to teachers are increasingly forcing those to resign.

Just a few days ago, Novye Izvestia published a material detailing why young teachers do not want to go to work in schools. Among other reasons, among which the main one is a humiliating salary, there is also an equally important one - control over their "moral level" by the school administration.

And here's a fresh example: in St. Petersburg, a young teacher was forced to quit because of a video posted on the Tik-Tok network. Moreover, not even for the fact that she starred there in a swimsuit, or did something else, which is just as illegal in the opinion of the "moralists", no - the reason was the usual and extremely decent scenes from school life. It's just that the adherents of "morality" from among the parents saw in them a violation of certain boundaries between students and teachers.

This trend is seriously scary: who will teach our children and grandchildren? Gray, intimidated individuals, not young enthusiasts who love their job and their children? If earlier people were fired from school for quite reasonable reasons - drunkenness, rudeness, or a clear tendency to pedophilia, for example, now it is simply not for anything! Or, rather, for what seemed to be some idiots, be they parents or colleagues, and they rushed to complain to the authorities, who, in order to avoid a scandal, and in fact, saving their own skin, promptly “takes action”.

It turns out that Russian teachers are generally denied the right to express their feelings and thoughts, they should be machines without sex, without a sense of humor, without character... It is amazing, the popular blogger Morena-morana is amazed that the request for this asexual, colorless, boring something instead of a teacher often comes not from the school itself, but from overly curious parents who have nothing else to do, how to look for compromising evidence in other people's instagram.

And quite rightly he concludes:

“Turning the school into a huge sterile storage box for children, with the same sterile, asexual, colorless teachers, we are unlikely to achieve good. We will only achieve that the school will turn for our children into a boring, unpleasant and colorless place where they are not understood..."

#School #People #Question of the day #Общество #Children #News #Russia #Problem #Society