Posted 18 марта 2021, 12:20
Published 18 марта 2021, 12:20
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38
In the mid-2010s, when the West began to impose sanctions on Russia, patriots responded to the main "enemy" of our country, Barack Obama, with dashing insults on car stickers and American flags tied to exhaust pipes and dragged along the asphalt. At the same time, the domestic opposition came up with an ironic answer to the "patriots", replicating the joke that it was Obama who crap in the entrances of Russian houses.
But then Donald Trump came to the White House and the hysteria subsided - the patriots did not find what to "screw up" this president for. Yes, he did not particularly touch Russia, concentrating his forces on the fight against China.
But with the arrival of Joe Biden, the weapon can again be uncovered, which was done by cunning entrepreneurs who are already selling such stickers at a price of 100 to 500 rubles apiece.
It remains only to find out, as someone on the Web joked, whether Obama gave Biden the codes from the locks of the Russian entrances?