Posted 22 марта 2021, 07:37

Published 22 марта 2021, 07:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

UK creates special forces to fight Russian spies

22 марта 2021, 07:37
The British authorities have decided to create a special task force to combat Russian influence in conditions when Russia is named one of the main threats to the security of the kingdom.

According to The Telegraph , the Special Airborne Service (SAS) of the British Armed Forces was ordered to "suppress Russian interference around the world in a serious reshuffle of defense priorities". According to the newspaper, SAS and other special forces units are likely to "work alongside MI6 and conduct covert operations to monitor Russian military units".

The authorities will allocate £ 120 million for the work of the new special unit. The main purpose of the brigade's work will be the fight against "hostile state entities", which are spies and military units of Russia.

“This step was taken in anticipation of the publication of the document of the defense command, which is the contribution of the Ministry of Defense to the Comprehensive Strategy of Defense Policy, Diplomacy and Development”, - notes the Krasnaya Vesna news agency.

According to British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, over the past 30 years, the threats facing the UK have "changed beyond recognition".

“Our enemies have infinitely more possibilities. Encryption, accuracy, and information operations complicate the threat landscape. We are constantly in the "gray zone", the border zone between peace and war. So conflict prevention is more important than ever”, - Wallace said.

In total, the British authorities will spend an additional 3 billion pounds on the activities of the special services. The "anti-Russian special forces" created to combat the new threats will be involved in searches of buildings and cars. For this, the fighters will be equipped with satellites, drones and mini-cameras that will monitor potential spies posing as ordinary tourists and businessmen.

As noted by the British authorities, the most constant and deadly threats are associated with hostile state structures. Along with Russia, which irritates the authorities the most, China, North Korea and Iran are classified as "hostile" to Britain.
